>  >From the Apple web site:
>Being able to create PDF files is really handy, and Mac OS X lets you create
>them from any application.
>Here's how:
>*       Open a document you'd like to save as a PDF, pull down the File
>menu, and choose Print.
>*       In the Print dialog, click the Preview button. Mac OS X will open
>the Preview application and display your document as a PDF.
>*       To save it, pull down the File menu once more, choose Save As PDF,
>and tell Mac OS X where you'd like the PDF file saved.
>Anybody tried this? I'm curious how well it works and what are the
>disadvantages to using another dedicated piece of software like Acrobat or
>Ghostwriter to create PDF files.

There are no settings about image compression, crop marks, security 
But it will concern Finale in 2003, when Finale 2004 will be released fir OS X
Philippe Massart
Finale mailing list

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