AW: [Finale] Advice on Masters degree in composition

2003-10-12 Thread Daniel Wolf
Andrew Stiller wrote: "The best schools for composition (or for any of the creative arts) are the most famous and prestigious ones, because those are the ones that can give you, maybe, a fighting chance of actually having a career in the field. Don't worry about the quality of the faculty--this is

Re: [Finale] Advice on Masters degree in composition

2003-10-12 Thread Andrew Stiller
Hi all, I know this is a bit off the topic but I know that this group would have a lot of advice on this subject. I have a senior (college) composition major who is thinking about going on for his Masters in composition. He is curious about what the best schools might be. I'd be interested in a

[Finale] Advice on Masters degree in composition

2003-10-12 Thread Lee Dengler
Hi all, I know this is a bit off the topic but I know that this group would have a lot of advice on this subject. I have a senior (college) composition major who is thinking about going on for his Masters in composition. He is curious about what the best schools might be. I'd be interested in a