As promised to most of you, we are trying to 
organise the Second Open workshop of MUSICNETWORK Thematic Network
of the European Commission. A service to put together industrial and research

I hope that you can contribute with your valuable activity
at the workshop. See in the Following the Call for Contributions.

The workshop will be partially overlapped with the WEDELMUSIC conference
mainly focussed on research aspects and multimedia, DRM technologies

Specific workshops are going to be organised as additional events.

Send an email back with a REMOVE in the subject to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
if you prefer to not receivie thie emails in the future.

Paolo Nesi
(MUSICNETWORK, Thematic Network of the European Commission)


Second MUSICNETWORK Open Workshop
University of Leeds, Leeds, UK
17-18 September, 2003, Open to all 

Solutions for Music Distribution and Fruition:
Two days dedicated to the emerging applications for Music: 
on the www, multimedia integration and mobile.
Tutorials, Products, Best practices, Case Studies and 
Innovative Applications.

The main theme of the Second MUSICNETWORK workshop is 
dedicated to the state of the art and the identification 
of the future trends in music. on the WWW, multimedia 
integration and mobile. The Open Workshop is free, no registration 
fee is requested to attend the sections of the Workshop. 
A preliminary registration will be requested to have an estimation 
of the number of registered people. The workshop is economically 
supported by the European Commission with the MUSICNETWORK project.

The MUSICNETWORK will give space to industries, experts, 
professionals and research institutions that are working in this 
sector to present their work in an open environment in which the 
innovation will be promoted with benefits for all the community. 
To this end, a set of calls have been opened as described in the 

Deadline for the submission is the 1st of July 2003 according to 
the following descriptions. 

*+****+Call for Tutorial*+****+
Tutorial proposals have to be presented as 2-3 pages description 
including: description of the tutorial, list of the tools mentioned, 
name and biography of the person giving the tutorial, history of the 
tutorial if it has been already given other times. The tutorial should 
be focussed on more than one product and should give a general view 
of the problems of the topic. 
The tutorials have to be of 45 minutes and should to be focussed on 
the following topics: 
-- production of courseware and content for music education
-- production of music scores for publishing 
-- music distribution and protection
-- Standardization: MPEG, SMIL, SVG, XHTML, XML...

*+****+Call for Products & Best Practices*+****+
Product presentations have to be proposed as 1-2 pages description as
a flyer with possibly a demo to be uploaded on the MUSICNETWORK www 
site. In addition, it is requested to know: name and biography of the 
person giving the presentation, material distributed during the 
workshop, number of customers using the products and a description 
of its diffusion. The presentation has to be focussed on a general 
view of the product, architecture, format, most important features, 
future developments and evolutions, integration and interoperability 
aspects, etc. The selected Products will be entitled to use the seal 
"Assessed by MUSICNETWORK". The selected products will have 30 minutes
of presentation and should be focussed on the following topics: 
-- Music educational tools
-- Music sheet production tools
-- Integration of Music and Multimedia tools
-- Digital asset management for music and multimedia archives tools
-- Music, Multimedia and Content Protection  and distribution tools
-- Music tools for impaired people

*+****+Call for Case study, Problems*+****+
The case studies have to be proposed with a simple description of the
problem. They may be or not accompanied by some examples (or tools 
that are close to cope with them), and/or by the sketch of an ideal 
solution. The accepted case studies will be discussed in the Open 
Workshop and on the WWW site. Each accepted case study will have 10 minutes
to explain the problem at the workshop to start the discussion for other
15-20 minutes. Specific experts will be invited by the MUSICNETWORK to 
cope with the problem explained. The presenter of the problem can even 
decide to remain anonymous.  In that case, one of our experts will explain 
the problem in front of the audience. Preferred topics are:
-- Music notation formats
-- Multimedia and music notation
-- Music recognition 
-- …

*+****+Call for innovative Applications with demo*+****+
Innovative applications are typically in a middle status from research 
work and real products. They have been probably proposed in the past as
research works while they have not been supported enough to become real
products. They have to be proposed as 2-3 pages description as a flyer 
with possibly a demo to be uploaded on the MUSICNETWORK www site. The 
selected Applications will be entitled to use the seal "Assessed by 
MUSICNETWORK". In addition, it is requested to know: name and biography 
of the person giving the presentation, material distributed during the 
workshop. Preferred topics are:
-- Music notation usage
-- Multimedia and music notation
-- Music recognition 
-- …

The proposals will be assessed, voted and selected by MUSICNETWORK 
experts and participants. Among the selected, the best 2-3 proposals 
for Tutorial, Case Study Problems and innovative Applications categories
will be economically supported to attend the workshop and give their
presentation, while we will give space to present the results to a very
large number of proposals in each category. A large visibility will be 
given to all proposals on the WWW site. All the proposals will be posted
on the WWW site, if this is not acceptable for you please mention in the
proposal and email.

The documents submitted will be collected and used for creating the 
Proceedings distributed during the conference and via the WWW site. 

The selected Products and Applications will be entitled to use the seal
"Assessed by MUSICNETWORK". The results of the assessment and the follow
up of your presentation at the workshop will be presented on the WWW site.  

Submissions have to be sent via email to mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 within the 1st of July, 2003. The acceptance and the evaluation will be 
communicated within the 15th of July, 2003. 

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