I envision a fusion between the performance of measure-attached Expressions
and note-attached expressions. A note-attached expression would retain its
vertical placement from the existing technology. However, its horizontal
placement would be calculated on-the-fly according to the given width of the
measure. In other words, the horizontal placement value would be dynamic, as
are measure-attached expressions now, and the vertical placement would be
static, just as the note-attached expressions are.

In this way, expressions which are horizontally far off of the notehead
would be guaranteed to look good in both score and in the resulting parts,
regardless of layout changes. An example of this is a whole note with a
forte marking followed by a measure-attached decrescendo marking followed by
a piano marking at the very end of the measure. In the present configuration
it just takes too long to apply the measure-attached expression what with
all the instrument lists, dialogues, etc.

In other words, I would like the Measure Horizontal Alignment options (which
are wonderful!) added to the present note-attached Horizontal Alignment
options (also wonderful!) in order to achieve "hold-one-key---click" final
placement solutions for ALL possible text expression locations.


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