At 08:30 AM 6/15/03 -0400, David H. Bailey wrote:
>Of extreme interest, though is the VERY sweeping copyright notice: 
>"Copyright © 1999 by Alan W. Pollack. All Rights Reserved. This article 
>may be reproduced, retransmitted, redistributed and otherwise propagated 
>at will, provided that this notice remains intact and in place."
>It says, all rights reserved, then it grants the right to reproduce, 
>etc. that article at will.  Doesn't that grant anybody the right to 
>print their own version of a book, earn money from Pollack's work, and 
>not have to pay him anything, as long as his copyright notice 
>accompanies each song's analysis?  Seems like way too broad a copyright 
>notice to publish on the web!

There are several variants on this. I have placed all my computer articles
from 1979-1986 in the "copyleft" category -- similar terms to these -- and
allow full republication of my vampire opera website contents so long as
the copyright and links are provided. It can be a fair exchange for the
reference it offers in other publications.

On my pages and in my articles, the original artwork, photographs,
diagrams, etc., can only be obtained by asking me directly, so in such
cases I will ask for a fee. However, the publicity it offers is sometimes
very good. I got a free round-trip to Slovakia for a week to be part of a
British documentary, which appeared in the US on the Travel Channel. I'd
say a few free articles & photos on a website is a darn good tradeoff for
appearing on national television. (I bet you all missed me, too! Had better
things to do on Halloween?)


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