One of the orchestras with which I am affiliated (as personnel manager) has
been having some personnel problems recently.  Currently, this orchestra
does NOT have a Union contract or collective bargaining agreement, but I
would like to draft some personnel policies for the general manager and
conductor to look over, in order to help us make these kind of decisions and
handle them properly.  If those of you out there with access to orchestra
contracts wouldn't mind sending me some excerpts of your contracts that
specifically deal with the areas of personnel policies (including hiring and
dismissal), I would greatly appreciate it!

Some of our particular areas of concern are:

Who makes the decision to dismiss players - the conductor, the principals of
the sections involved, the personnel manager, the general manager, Board
presidents, etc., etc., etc.?  How much input (if any) should other parties
have in the decision?

Who does the actual dismissal of the player(s) in question (from the list
above), and how is it handled (letter, face-to-face, etc.)?

When dismissing a player, what procedures must be followed in order to
assure that (1) the player has a reasonable and fair opportunity to correct
whatever problems may be occurring, and (2) the orchestra is protected from
any sort of legal reprisals?

[Just to clarify, we are talking about dismissal for artistic reasons -
though it would probably be good to have policies in place for other
contingencies, as well!]

I am also affiliated with a couple of groups that DO have Union collective
bargaining agreements, and I will be referring to those contracts as well,
but we wanted to get several different sources of input, in order to come up
with the best "wheel" we can without re-inventing it.

Feel free to respond directly to me, by e-mail, snail-mail, or telephone.

Jamin Hoffman
209 Madero Dr.
Thiensville, WI  53092
Phone: (262) 512-2666

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