> Jim Mays wrote:
> I am 'engraving' a choral work for a composer friend of mine.
> The piano accompaniment is quite involved. At several places in the score there are 
>three or four
> notes held over many measures. Because of other notation in the same clef, the 
>composer would like
> me to not show the complete ties for all held notes. Rather he only wants to show 
>the beginning
> and end of the ties.

  I would forget ties and do them as slurs. Drawing a slur from a note to nowhere in 
works for the beginning of a tie, and similarly for the end. It will play back as if 
not tied, but
if printed output is what you're after it works beautifully. Each "half" tie, being a 
complete slur,
is adjustable at both ends, etc.
 Let me know if this is what you wanted! I'd be tickled to have actually been of use 
for once on
this list...
   Cheers,  Ch.S.
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