I've been stumped by the MIDI aspect of OSX for the 3 weeks that I've been twiddling around. Knock on wood, and thanks to a quick reply to makemusic tech- things are now working for me.

I have had little to no problem with the MIDI output using Sibelius, but had no success with Digital Performer. I also got no response from the email I sent to MOTU, and got constant busy signals from their phone tech line.

Once I got Finale and had the same problem as I was having with DPerformer (received MIDI in, showed activity in the MIDI window within the program, but no output back thru MIDI)-I called tech support for Finale. I got right thru, the tech guy told me to uncheck the speaker output which it turns out overrides the MIDI. I was then good to go!!!

I then tried a new doc in Performer, and got MIDI to work for the first time. When I opened an earlier attempt, it still didn't play, but when I reselected my output device I got it to work because the previous selection showing the 'external device' was in italics and the new replacement was in normal print.

One intermediate step that helped was by following a thread in macjams/macmusicmakers regarding using MIDI in Garage Band. It was at this point that I realized that the CoreMIDI program had stacked the icons for my external keyboard OVER the USB MIDI icon, so there were no wires to hook them up because I never knew there was more than one icon in the window. Although this wasn't an issue with Sibelius, and although I am not 100% sure where the problem/s were- I now learned a few of the quirks involved.

One last bit was I might have reconfigured the Audio and restarted the computer. It is important that you restart the computer

In the mean time I needed to do some work and wanted playback thru MIDI so I used Finale 2002 on my old computer in OS9. At one point I was doing some extensive editing (retranscribing a big selection) and it crashed. That was a quick reminder that OSX is worth the initial teething pains. And if I understand, with MIDI being implemented at the core level of the OS, we'll see less conflicts and latency issues as we go.

I was so glad to get a quick and helpful reply from makemusic support- I hope some info here might help somebody else!!


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