on 6/2/03 12:07 PM, Michael Edwards wrote:

>    For that matter, haven't there been occasions when trumpets were put above
> horns in orchestral scores?  Given that, within each division, instruments are
> listed in order of descending pitch, isn't there an argument for putting
> trumpets above horns?

Sure there is.  However, horns have historically been stuck in the crack
between woodwinds and brass instruments (think of the instrumentation for a
"woodwind quintet").  I have tried to do some research into why this is so,
but have come up with nothing other than "it was tradition," and some vague
things regarding the similarity of tone color between horns and low

All said, however, this explains why conventional score order has placed
horns above trumpets.  If anyone has anything to add about the reason for
horns' residence "in the gap," please enlighten us... this has perplexed me
for years.

Brad Beyenhof

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