vegne af Burt Fenner
Sendt: 14. januar 2003 22:05
Til: 'Finale Mailing List'
Emne: RE: [Finale] dotted rests
Yes those are page numbers in Ted Ross, The Art of Music Engraving, and
Gardner Read, Music Notation. These are frequently cited authorities on
t: 14. januar 2003 17:05
Til: 'Finale Mailing List'
Emne: RE: [Finale] dotted rests
Ross: p.179.
Read: pp. 119,120.
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Stig Christensen
Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2003 10:36 AM
To: Finale Maili
You have to enter it as one.
If your problem is that you are copying from one location to another,
the setting you need is in the Options/Quantization Settings -- click
the MORE button and there is a check-box for Allow Dotted Rests.
Another setting that can help when copying and pasting is to
Ross: p.179.
Read: pp. 119,120.
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Stig Christensen
Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2003 10:36 AM
To: Finale Mailing List
Subject: [Finale] dotted rests
Please refresh my memory. Isn't it possible to have
In as far as there's such a thing as right or wrong in such cases...
I get to read a lot of this stuff, and notice that the publishers whose
standards are high in other respects seem to agree on whole-note rest,
half-note rest... and uncentered. Apart from anything else, dotted
whole-note rests