An especially annoying behavior that I have encountered when using the 
SmartScore lite scanning routines in Finale is that when a score you are 
attempting to scan in has an accidental at the end of a measure, tied to the 
same note in the next measure, the software never gets it right.  For example, 
let's say an Ab not in the key signature is tied over into the next measure.  
When you look at the scanned in score, it looks correct, but plays wrong, ie, 
the Ab changes to an A natural when it should just hold the Ab over into the 
next measure.  My only workaround is to systematically delete each tie, select 
the appropriate b or # tool and click on the note in the next measure, then 
restore the tie.  This would seem to be an easy bug to fix, but it has been 
present in all the editions of Finale i have bought from 2008 to the present.  
I have considered upgrading to the not-lite version, but the cost is high, and 
the benefits dubious.  It looks like the upgrade is mainly to recognize lyrics 
and a lot more markings that I don't want to include anyway, and I have no 
assurance the bug in the lite version would be fixed.  I have asked if anyone 
in the group has ever gone for the scanning upgrade, but no one has ever 
responded, so I have no way to know if it is worth my while.  For example, if 
the bug is in fact fixed, could I turn OFF recognition of lyrics and all the 
other markings I don't want?

             Clif Ashcraft
Finale mailing list

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