Finale 2012a.r3, Mac OS 10.6.8, MacBook Pro

In Finale 2012, when I select "Export to Audio File", I get this message - "An 
error occurred while saving the audio file (Error -2)" if Finale is set to 
Finale Through MIDI".  If I set to "Play Finale Through Audio Units", I can 
as an AIFF file but not as an mp3.  I know I can take the extra step to convert 
the AIFF to mp3 via iTunes.

On one file, I got the message:  "An error occurred while attempting to Save as 
Audio File. Please resave your Finale document with a shorter file name and try 
again." with Finale set to "Play Finale Through MIDI".  When I shortened the 
file name, I then got the "error -2 message".  A few files started in 2011 
seemed to be ok.

For the first time, I also noticed that some of the files did not retain their 
instrument assignments when originally created in an earlier version.  Finale 
said something about it had "no imported instruments".  I can't seem to 
this at the moment.

I may be carrying over issues from much earlier versions.  I have so many 
in my default files and templates that I hesitate  to start with a brand new 
file.  It would take a bit to get it as I like  it.  

By the way, I finally found out why my Mac wouldn't go into sleep mode and 
issues.  It was not the 3rd party monitor but my audio/MIDI interface is no 
longer compatible with the Mac OS.  I still have my old MOTU MidiTimePiece AV 
but have been using a Tascam US-122 with my laptop.  Tascam never made new 
drivers capable of supporting the new OS.

I've been advised by fellow composers to hold off on upgrading to Lion.


 Bonnie Ruth Janofsky
composer / songwriter
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