I found this in the QuicKeys February newsletter ....

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How are users tapping QuicKeys' potential?

The Cool Customer for this issue is Lew Buckley. Lew talks about using
QuicKeys to streamline his workflow in Finale 2005, a pro-level print
music creator/editor:

"I publish printed music on a Macintosh using MakeMusic Inc.'s Finale
2005. As a full-fledged professional level print music creator/editor,
Finale is a complex program with many functions buried two or three
levels deep in submenus. It also has a total of some 25 different tools
I have to select for different uses, and there are many functions, such
as transposing a selected passage up or down by any of 12 different
intervals, that are multi-step procedures involving my two least
favorite activities: mousing and menus.

To take the hassle out of all that, I have some 200 QuicKeys Shortcuts
set up just for use in Finale alone. For me, QuicKeys is far more than
a convenience, it is part of the Finale application. I've forgotten
where many of Finale's functions are located, because the shortcuts
made possible by QuicKeys have long since taken the place of burrowing
among the submenus.

And that doesn't even address the more than 100 Shortcuts I use in all
my other applications. I hate reaching for the mouse; I much prefer
keeping my hands on the keyboard. QuicKeys allows me to work the way I
want to.

I can honestly say that QuicKeys cuts down significantly the time I
"waste" doing repetitive, multistep chores, allowing me to be more
productive in the time I spend at my computer. The few minutes it takes
to set up and test a multistep Shortcut is returned many times through
the use of that Shortcut in my daily work.

QuicKeys is my "desert island" utility; if I were stranded with only
one utility, QuicKeys would be it, because I use it more routinely than
any other utility I own.

Thanks for continuing to upgrade and improve it!"

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... they're also reporting that QuicKeys X3.01 will be out in "Early February".

Simon Troup
Digital Music Art

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