I thought I'd give you a quick update on activity on the #Finale IRC channel as quite 
a few people visited following Jari's post to this list.

The channel has been up and running for only a few days, but I estimate that something 
like 40 different people have visited in that time, there's obviously an interest, but 
if you think my posting this here is inappropriate let me know. I don't think there's 
any replication going on as it's quite a different media from this list and the 
bulletin board over at finalemusic.com.

On Sunday, Tyler organised an 'official' meeting time and something like 8 or 9 people 
were nattering away for an hour or so on subjects as diverse as note entry, GPO and 
(inevitably) Sibelius. Everyone either enjoyed themselves or found it useful and Tyler 
resolved to organise set topics or demonstrations in the future (details to follow).

As a follow up, I'd like to post the following timetable:

    Organised Meetings : Sundays - 3pm EST
Finale Cafà (informal) : Daily 3pm EST except Sunday
   Drop In or Hang Out : All other times

Finale IRC channel info
 server: irc.chatspike.net
   port: 6667
channel: #Finale

  windows: http://www.mirc.com/
macintosh: http://www.colloquy.com

Just as a quick note, it's deemed perfectly acceptable to simply loiter around on IRC 
channels, a channel could have 60 people in it with only 2 or 3 actually chatting, 
others could be away or just plain busy. That said, if you wander into the channel and 
there's nothing going on, just leave your IRC cient open if you have a 24/7 connection 
- most of them make sounds when there's activity so you can see what people are 
talking about and join in if you want to.

All suggestions and opinion welcomed!

Simon Troup
Digital Music Art

Finale mailing list

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