>From <http://www.kellysmusic.biz/blog/>:

NAMM: Notation Software Merging with Sequencing?
 Every year, I look forward to seeing some really innovative ideas at NAMM. A 
few years back it was Live. Despite all of the great sounding soft synths, and 
the much anticipated announcement of Garritan's new editions of GPO, the 
highlight of the NAMM show for me was Geniesoft's upcoming version of 
Scorewriter and Overutre.

Not a lot of attention has been paid to the notation market in the past while, 
with many feeling that aside from incremental upgrades, there wasn't a lot of 
room for innovation. Geniesoft has everyone paying attention with their 
announcement of support for VST plug-ins in the upcoming release of
Version 4 of
the venerable notation programs Scorewriter and Overture.

In addition to allowing you to playback your score with any VST instruments or 
effects, Geniesoft has also integrated a host of MIDI editing features 
previously only found in sequencing programs. A strip chart and piano roll can 
be super-imposed on the staff, allowing you to individually edit the playback 
parameters of any note or series of notes. This can be delinked from the 
notation, so that you can adjust the beginning or ending of a note without 
affecting the notation. If you wish, the notation can be rescored based on your 
changed to the playback in an instant.

Expect to see support for basic digital audio features in future versions, 
bridging the gap between the current notation vs. multi-track recording 
situation. Perhaps in the near future you won't need to use two programs?
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