Hash: SHA1

On 2/22/12 2:08 AM, navroop singh wrote:

0)  Don't attach files.  Our lists are plain text oriented.

1) There's an initial error in the bootstrap which we probably need to
make fatal in the bootstrap script

xcode-select: Error: No Xcode folder is set. Run xcode-select -switch
<xcode_folder_path> to set the path to the Xcode folder.

You can use

sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/Xcode.app

to set this properly, assuming your Xcode.app is in /Applications as
is the default.  That's also the only location we currently support
for Xcode 4.3.

2)  We really don't need to see _everything_; just the parts with
error messages.

3) The ultimate failure is in the "fink" package:

cd t && ./testmore.pl && find . -name '*.t' | sort |
PREFIX="/Users/user1/Documents/fink" xargs /usr/bin/perl
- -I`pwd`/../perlmod -MTest::Harness -e 'runtests(@ARGV)'
Checking for Test::More...
./00compile.t ............................ ok
./10features/users_groups.t .............. ok
./10features/volume.t .................... ok
./Base/initialize.t ...................... ok
./Base/param.t ........................... ok
./Base/param_boolean.t ................... ok
./CLI/capture.t .......................... ok
./Command/cat.t .......................... ok
./Command/chowname.t ..................... ok
./Command/commands.t ..................... ok
./Command/du_sk.t ........................ ok
./Command/exports.t ...................... ok
./Command/failure.t ...................... 1/?
#   Failed test at ./Command/failure.t line 129.
./Command/failure.t ...................... 41/? # Looks like you
failed 1 test of 49.
./Command/failure.t ...................... Dubious, test returned 1
(wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 1/49 subtests
./Command/touch.t ........................ ok
./Config/exports.t ....................... ok
./Config/failure.t ....................... ok
./Config/flag.t .......................... ok
./Config/load_save.t ..................... ok
./Config/options.t ....................... ok
./Config/param.t ......................... ok
./Config/verbosity_level.t ............... ok
./Engine/fetch.t ......................... ok
./Finally/buildlocks.t ................... ok
./Finally/finally.t ...................... ok
./FinkVersion/exports.t .................. ok
./FinkVersion/version.t .................. ok
./Mirror/exports.t ....................... ok
./Notify/exports.t ....................... ok
./Package/duplicate_fullnames.t .......... ok
./PkgVersion/get_perl.t .................. ok
./PkgVersion/get_ruby.t .................. ok
./PkgVersion/get_splitoffs.t ............. ok
./PkgVersion/non_consecutive_source.t .... ok
./SelfUpdate/last_done.t ................. ok
./SelfUpdate/subclasses.t ................ ok
./Services/eval_conditional.t ............ ok
./Services/execute_nonroot_okay.t ........ ok
./Services/expand_percent.t .............. ok
./Services/prepare_script.t .............. ok
./Services/spec2struct.t ................. ok
./Services/version_cmp.t ................. ok
./Text/DelimMatch.t ...................... ok
./Validation/_filename_versioning_cmp.t .. ok
./Validation/exports.t ................... ok

Test Summary Report
- -------------------
./Command/failure.t                    (Wstat: 256 Tests: 49 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  33
  Non-zero exit status: 1
Files=44, Tests=1005, 10 wallclock secs ( 0.30 usr  0.11 sys +  5.75
cusr  0.71 csys =  6.87 CPU)
Result: FAIL

Try running

sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/Xcode.app

and attempt the bootstrap operation again.
- -- 
Alexander Hansen, Ph.D.
Fink User Liaison
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