I haven't tried this, but I wonder if fink's fetch capabilities could be used.

If you wanted to compile program foo, on the G4 you could do a fink install foo. It will list a long list of packages to install and ask permission to continue. You select and copy the list of packages, and get it on the G3 somehow. Then, at work with the G3, you could type fink fetch in the terminal, and then paste in the long list of package names to download. I think fink fetch will just download the source files, which you could then copy to the G4. Once the source files are in /sw/src on the G4, you can do a fink install foo, and it will merrily churn away.

Kevin Horton

At 10:26 PM -0500 28/2/03, Alexander Hansen wrote:
A fair number of people have asked the same question--but I don't remember
having seen a posting of a good solution.

The best solution in your case would be to burn a CD of the source files
at work and use it at home.  Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be an

You can install a binary package from anywhere by using:

sudo dpkg -i full/path/to/binary_num-port.deb

where the latter is just to illustrate that you have to include the
filename and path, rather than just using the package name.  The drawback
to this is that you'll have to keep track of all of the dependencies

One other issue is that there are many fewer packages you can get in
precopiled form than you can get as binaries, and the version numbers lag
a bit.

On Fri, 28 Feb 2003, Tom Loredo wrote:

Hi folks-

 I have two Macs, a Powerbook G3 that I can bring to work and
 thus have fast network access, and my main G4 at home which
 has access only via a modem at 28.8k (the price for living
 out in the country---the phone lines can't handle 56k, ISDN, or

 Is there a way I can install packages on my PB at work, and
 then "transfer" the installation to my G4?  E.g., can I just
 download binary packages directly somehow, transfer the
 packages to my G4, and then use fink on the G4 to install them?
 If so, exactly where do I go to grab the packages?  Or will
 running fink on the PB let me leave the packages on the HD?

 Finally, another complication---the PB has limited disk space
 and presently can't hand a DevTools install.  I do have that
 on my G4.  I'm hoping this won't affect my ability to get stuff
 on the G4.  Let me know if I'm wrong about that!  8-)

Thanks in advance,
 > Tom Loredo

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