
Could you try verson 0.6 in unstable and let me know if that fixes


On Sat, 1 Jun 2002, Stefano wrote:

> Hi,
> I seem to have a conflict between autocutsel and nedit.
> I am using enlightenment as window manager and I installed autocutsel
> (v. 0.2) and nedit (v. 5.2), both from binaries via fink.
> Launching autocutsel at startup in my .xinitrc I find that I cannot select
> text in nedit. The text does not remain highlighted after I release the
> left button of the mouse and it is not copied to the clipboard, i.e. I
> cannot paste it by middle-click. Not being able to select text I cannot
> even use ctrl+c and ctrl+v to cut and paste within nedit. Apart from this
> problem with nedit cutting and pasting both within X and between X and
> aqua works well.
> However the problem does not occur if I launch autocutsel manually after
> the startup of the wm.
> I am happy with this solution, I am posting this in case it might be
> useful to others, but I would be curious to know what the origin of the
> problem is...
> Cheers,
> Stefano

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