Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/stable/main/finkinfo/libs/perlmods
In directory vz-cvs-3.sog:/tmp/cvs-serv19602/stable/main/finkinfo/libs/perlmods

Added Files:
        encode-detect-pm.info html-encoding-pm.info html-form-pm.info 
        html-format-pm.info html-fromtext-pm.info 
        html-fromtext-pm.patch html-html5-parser-pm.info 
        html-scrubber-pm.info html-scrubber-pm.patch 
        html-tagcloud-centred-pm.info html-treebuilder-xpath-pm.info 
        image-info-pm.info image-size-pm.info internals-pm.info 
        interpolation-pm.info lingua-preferred-pm.info 
        log-dispatch-array-pm.info log-dispatch-filerotate-pm.info 
        log-tracemsgs-pm.info mac-propertylist-sax-pm.info 
        mail-folder-pm.info mail-folder-pm.patch 
        module-pluggable-fast-pm.info mp3-info-pm.info 
        namespace-clean-pm.info object-pluggable-pm.info 
        object-signature-pm.info perlio-gzip-pm.info 
        perlio-gzip-pm.patch perlio-via-bzip2-pm.info 
Log Message:
sync a bunch of -pmXXX to stable

--- NEW FILE: encode-detect-pm.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: encode-detect-pm%type_pkg[perl]
Version: 1.01
Revision: 5
Distribution: (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.5
BuildDepends: <<
        fink (>= 0.30.2),
        extutils-cbuilder-pm%type_pkg[perl] (>= 1:0.27.03-2),
Depends: <<
GCC: 4.0
Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/J/JG/JGMYERS/Encode-Detect-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: ee9faf55d7105c97b02b8ebe590819c7
Type: perl (5.8.6 5.8.8 5.10.0)
DefaultScript: ModuleBuild
InstallScript: <<
        mv %i/share/man %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]
DocFiles: Changes LICENSE
Description: Decoder that detects the encoding
DescPackaging: <<
        Multilicensed MPL1.1/GPL2.0/LGPL2.1

        Different perlversions seem to install manpages in different
        locations. WTF?
License: OSI-Approved
Maintainer: Daniel Macks <dma...@netspace.org>
Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Encode-Detect

--- NEW FILE: object-signature-pm.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: object-signature-pm%type_pkg[perl]
Version: 1.05
Revision: 1021
Architecture: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) powerpc, (%type_pkg[perl] = 584) powerpc
Distribution: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 584) 10.4, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 
5100) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.6, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5123) 10.7, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 
588) 10.6
Description: Generate cryptographic signatures for objects
Type: perl(5.8.1 5.8.4 5.8.6 5.8.8 5.10.0 5.12.3)
License: Artistic
Maintainer: Benjamin Reed <object-signature...@fink.raccoonfink.com>

Depends: <<
BuildDepends: <<
        fink (>= 0.29.7-1),

Source: mirror:cpan:modules/by-module/Object/Object-Signature-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: b154a57c64ac06bd47b364c924bf3738

UseMaxBuildJobs: true

UpdatePOD: true
InstallScript: <<
        mv %i/share/man %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]

Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Object-Signature
DescDetail: <<
Object::Signature is an abstract base class that you can inherit
from in order to allow your objects to generate unique
cryptographic signatures.

The method used to generate the signature is based on Storable and
Digest::MD5.  The object is fed to Storable::nfreeze to get a
string, which is then passed to Digest::MD5::md5_hex to get a
unique 32 character hexidecimal signature.

--- NEW FILE: html-format-pm.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: html-format-pm%type_pkg[perl]
Version: 2.10
Revision: 1
Architecture: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) powerpc, (%type_pkg[perl] = 584) powerpc
Distribution: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 584) 10.4, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 
5100) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.6, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5123) 10.7, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 
588) 10.6
Type: perl (5.8.1 5.8.4 5.8.6 5.8.8 5.10.0 5.12.3)
Description: Perl module to format HTML
License: Artistic/GPL
Maintainer: Christian Schaffner <chri...@users.sourceforge.net>

# Dependencies:
Depends: perl%type_pkg[perl]-core, html-tree-pm%type_pkg[perl], font-afm-pm
BuildDepends: <<
        fink (>= 0.30.2),
        test-simple-pm%type_pkg[perl] (>= 0.96-1)
Conflicts: %N-man
Replaces: %N-man

# Unpack Phase:
Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/N/NI/NIGELM/HTML-Format-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 34831ec506eaa8a7ad5da698224cf58d

DefaultScript: ModuleBuild

# Install Phase:
UpdatePOD: True
DocFiles: Changes LICENSE README
InstallScript: <<
  mv %i/share/man %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]

# Additional Info:
DescDetail: <<
This is a collection of modules that formats HTML as plaintext, PostScript or
Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/HTML-Format/

--- NEW FILE: perlio-via-bzip2-pm.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: perlio-via-bzip2-pm%type_pkg[perl]
Version: 0.02
Revision: 2
License: Artistic
Description: PerlIO layer for Bzip2 (de)compression
Maintainer: Daniel Johnson <dan...@daniel-johnson.org>
Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/PerlIO-via-Bzip2/

Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/A/AR/ARJEN/PerlIO-via-Bzip2-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 1ec8c4b0772301deeb1a4639b3282f09

Distribution: (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.5, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.6, (%type_pkg[perl] 
= 5123) 10.7, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.5, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.6
Type: perl (5.8.6 5.8.8 5.10.0 5.12.3)
UpdatePOD: true

DocFiles: Changes README

Depends: perl%type_pkg[perl]-core, compress-bzip2-pm%type_pkg[perl]
BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.29.0)

InstallScript: <<
  /bin/mv %i/share/man %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]

--- NEW FILE: html-scrubber-pm.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: html-scrubber-pm%type_pkg[perl]
Version: 0.09
Revision: 1
Architecture: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) powerpc, (%type_pkg[perl] = 584) powerpc
Distribution: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 584) 10.4, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 
5100) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.6, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5123) 10.7, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 
588) 10.6
Type: perl (5.8.1 5.8.4 5.8.6 5.8.8 5.10.0 5.12.3)
Description: Perl module for scrubbing/sanitizing html
License: Artistic/GPL
Maintainer: Christian Schaffner <chri...@users.sourceforge.net>

# Dependencies:
Depends: perl%type_pkg[perl]-core, html-parser-pm%type_pkg[perl]
BuildDepends: <<
        fink (>= 0.24.12),
        test-simple-pm%type_pkg[perl] (>= 0.94-1)
Conflicts: %N-man
Replaces: %N-man

# Unpack Phase:
Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/N/NI/NIGELM/HTML-Scrubber-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: a0f7bd0a29a4c7b1bec5495ad9bfb00e

PatchFile: %{ni}.patch
PatchFile-MD5: ceb71fcb07248fef511e8ed5ffdd1e89

InfoTest: <<
        TestDepends: test-script-pm

# Install Phase:
UpdatePOD: True
DocFiles: Changes README
InstallScript: <<
  mv %i/share/man %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]

# Additional Info:
DescDetail: <<
If you wanna "scrub" or "sanitize" html input in a reliable an flexible
fashion, then this module is for you.

I wasn't satisfied with HTML::Sanitizer because it is based on
HTML::TreeBuilder, so I thought I'd write something similar that works directly
with HTML::Parser.
Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/HTML-Scrubber/

--- NEW FILE: mac-propertylist-sax-pm.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: mac-propertylist-sax-pm%type_pkg[perl]
Version: 0.85
Revision: 1
License: Artistic/GPL
Description: Work with Mac plists at a low level, fast
Maintainer: Daniel Johnson <dan...@daniel-johnson.org>
Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Mac-PropertyList-SAX/

Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/K/KU/KULP/Mac-PropertyList-SAX-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: ae44663b9acb80e1f2d83f01cd7c900e

Distribution: (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.5, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.6, (%type_pkg[perl] 
= 5123) 10.7, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.5, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.6
Type: perl (5.8.6 5.8.8 5.10.0 5.12.3)
UpdatePOD: true

DocFiles: Changes README

Depends: <<
        constant-pm (>= 1.17-1),
        html-parser-pm%type_pkg[perl] (>= 3.56-1),
BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.29.0), libwww-pm%type_pkg[perl]

InfoTest: TestDepends: test-pod-pm, test-pod-coverage-pm

InstallScript: <<
  /bin/mv %i/share/man %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]

--- NEW FILE: object-pluggable-pm.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: object-pluggable-pm%type_pkg[perl]
Version: 1.29
Revision: 1
Type: perl (5.8.8 5.10.0)

Description: Base class for plugin-enabled objects
License: Artistic/GPL
Maintainer: Daniel Macks <dma...@netspace.org>
Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Object-Pluggable/

Depends: <<
        constant-pm (>= 1.17-1),
Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/H/HI/HINRIK/Object-Pluggable-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 25d2c1a2ad5bc129e677738172734a8e

UpdatePOD: true
DocFiles: Changes LICENSE README

InstallScript: <<
        mv %i/share/man %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]

--- NEW FILE: html-tagcloud-centred-pm.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: html-tagcloud-centred-pm%type_pkg[perl]
Version: 10
Revision: 1
Type: perl (5.8.8 5.10.0)

Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/L/LG/LGODDARD/HTML-TagCloud-Centred-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 28b6f00b610b729626ce90f85565b4d4

Depends: <<

InstallScript: <<
        mv %i/share/man %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]
UpdatePOD: true

Description: Generate an HTML tag cloud
License: Artistic/GPL
Maintainer: Daniel Macks <dma...@netspace.org>
Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/HTML-TagCloud-Centred/

--- NEW FILE: mail-folder-pm.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: mail-folder-pm%type_pkg[perl]
Version: 0.07
Revision: 14
Architecture: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) powerpc, (%type_pkg[perl] = 584) powerpc
Distribution: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 584) 10.4, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 
5100) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.6, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5123) 10.7, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 
588) 10.6
Replaces: mail-folder-pm (<= 0.07-3)
BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12-1)
Depends: perl%type_pkg[perl]-core, time-date-pm, file-sync-pm%type_pkg[perl], 
Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/K/KJ/KJOHNSON/MailFolder-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 2c7439acda914402ae5f3060a67ec1da
Type: perl (5.8.1 5.8.4 5.8.6 5.8.8 5.10.0 5.12.3)
UpdatePOD: true
PatchFile: %{Ni}.patch
PatchFile-MD5: 1eb1638d607ed07df7e6ab8d663fd885
Description: Perl interface to mailboxes
InstallScript: <<
        find %i/lib -name .packlist -print0 | xargs -0 rm
        mv %i/share/man %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]
License: Artistic
Maintainer: Dave Vasilevsky <v...@users.sourceforge.net>
Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/MailFolder
DescPackaging: <<
        Thanks to patch from

--- NEW FILE: log-dispatch-filerotate-pm.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: log-dispatch-filerotate-pm%type_pkg[perl]
Version: 1.19
Revision: 2
Distribution: (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.5
Type: perl (5.8.6 5.8.8 5.10.0)
Description: Dispatches messages to one or more outputs
License: Artistic/GPL
Maintainer: Daniel Macks <dma...@netspace.org>

Depends: <<

Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/M/MA/MARKPF/Log-Dispatch-FileRotate-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 8fabfe387bb070580f7c97c18853ae25

InstallScript: <<
        mv %i/share/man %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]
UpdatePOD: True
DocFiles: Changes README

Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Log-Dispatch-FileRotate/

--- NEW FILE: internals-pm.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: internals-pm%type_pkg[perl]
Version: 1.1
Revision: 1
Distribution: (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.5
Type: perl (5.8.6 5.8.8 5.10.0)
Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/S/ST/STBEY/Internals-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: b064d542f696e2bfa88a634dcde3ca6e

Depends: perl%type_pkg[perl]-core

InstallScript: <<
        mv %i/share/man %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]
DocFiles: Artistic.txt CHANGES.txt GNU_GPL.txt README.txt
UpdatePOD: true

Description: Write-protect vars, manipulate refcounts
License: Artistic/GPL
Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Internals
Maintainer: Daniel Macks <dma...@netspace.org>

--- NEW FILE: image-size-pm.info ---
Info3: <<
Package: image-size-pm%type_pkg[perl]
Version: 3.221
Revision: 3
Architecture: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) powerpc, (%type_pkg[perl] = 584) powerpc
Distribution: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 584) 10.4, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 
5100) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.6, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5123) 10.7, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 
588) 10.6
Description: Image::Size perl module
Type: perl(5.8.1 5.8.4 5.8.6 5.8.8 5.10.0 5.12.3)
License: Artistic
Maintainer: Benjamin Reed <image-size...@fink.raccoonfink.com>

Depends: <<
        fink (>= 0.29.7-1),
BuildDepends: <<
        fink (>= 0.29.7-1),
Recommends: perlmagick-pm%type_pkg[perl]

Source: mirror:cpan:modules/by-module/Image/Image-Size-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 0f79025fc341d9a6dc4cbda7ba129377

UseMaxBuildJobs: true

UpdatePOD: true
InstallScript: <<
mv %i/share/man %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]
mv %i/bin/imgsize %i/bin/imgsize-%type_raw[perl]
DocFiles: ChangeLog MANIFEST README*

PostInstScript: <<
if [ "$1" = configure ]
        update-alternatives --install %p/bin/imgsize              imgsize   
%p/bin/imgsize-%type_raw[perl]                  %type_pkg[perl]
        update-alternatives --install %p/share/man/man1/imgsize.1 imgsize.1 
%p/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]/man/man1/imgsize.1 %type_pkg[perl]
PreRmScript: <<
if [ "$1" = remove ]
        update-alternatives --remove imgsize   %p/bin/imgsize-%type_raw[perl]
        update-alternatives --remove imgsize.1 

Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Image-Size
DescDetail: <<
Image::Size is a library based on the image-sizing code in the wwwimagesize
script, a tool that analyzes HTML files and adds HEIGHT and WIDTH tags to
IMG directives. Image::Size has generalized that code to return a raw (X, Y)
pair, and included wrappers to pre-format that output into either HTML or
a set of attribute pairs suitable for the CGI.pm library by Lincoln Stein.
Currently, Image::Size can size images in XPM, XBM, GIF, JPEG, PNG, MNG,
TIFF, the PPM family of formats (PPM/PGM/PBM) and if Image::Magick is
installed, the formats supported by it.

--- NEW FILE: mp3-info-pm.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: mp3-info-pm%type_pkg[perl]
Version: 1.24
Revision: 1
Distribution: (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.5, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.6, (%type_pkg[perl] 
= 5123) 10.7, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.5, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.6
Depends: <<
Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/D/DA/DANIEL/MP3-Info-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: fb4bcc43764e3b46c3a7c74b50ed7a44
ConfigureParams: --skip
Type: perl (5.8.6 5.8.8 5.10.0 5.12.3)
UpdatePOD: true
InstallScript: <<
        mv %i/share/man %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]
DocFiles: Changes README TODO
Description: Get info data out of and into MP3 files
DescDetail: <<
  This is MP3::Info, for getting info out of and into MP3 files.

  This release has some more bugfixes for extracting ID3v2 tags,
  including fixes for ID3v2.2.0, basic support for ID3v2.4.0, and
  support for Unicode tags.  See the documentation for more information.

  A wrapper module is included so scripts calling MPEG::MP3Info (the
  old name) will still work.
License: Artistic/GPL
Maintainer: None <fink-de...@lists.sourceforge.net>
Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/MP3-Info

--- NEW FILE: image-info-pm.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: image-info-pm%type_pkg[perl]
Version: 1.31
Revision: 1
Distribution: (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.5
Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/S/SR/SREZIC/Image-Info-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 4c5fa82385643e5153aa76090be0bbf4
Type: perl (5.8.6 5.8.8 5.10.0)
UpdatePOD: true
BuildDepends: <<
        test-simple-pm%type_pkg[perl] (>= 0.62-1)
Depends: <<
Conflicts: %N-man (<< 1.23-1)
Replaces: %N-man (<< 1.23-1)
PatchScript: <<
        # disable inappropriate silliness for packaging environment
        # Module::Install::AutoInstall specifically says *not* to put
        # this in Makefile.PL!
        perl -pi -e 's/(auto_install)/#\1/'g Makefile.PL
InstallScript: <<
  mv %i/share/man %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]
License: Artistic/GPL
Description: Extract meta information from image files
Maintainer: Daniel Macks <dma...@netspace.org>
Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Image-Info

--- NEW FILE: html-html5-parser-pm.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: html-html5-parser-pm%type_pkg[perl]
Version: 0.107
Revision: 1
Distribution: (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.5, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.6, (%type_pkg[perl] 
= 5123) 10.7, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.5, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.6
Type: perl (5.8.6 5.8.8 5.10.0 5.12.3)

Description: Parse HTML reliably with Perl
DescDetail: <<
        This library is substantially the same as the non-CPAN module
        Whatpm::HTML. Changes include:
        * Provides an XML::LibXML-like DOM interface. If you usually use
        XML::LibXML's DOM parser, this should be a drop-in solution for
        tag soup HTML.
        * Constructs an XML::LibXML::Document as the result of parsing.
        * Via bundling and modifications, removed external dependencies on
        non-CPAN packages.
License: Artistic/GPL
Maintainer: Daniel Johnson <dan...@daniel-johnson.org>
Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/HTML-HTML5-Parser/

BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.29.0), extutils-makemaker-pm%type_pkg[perl] (>= 6.56-1)
Depends: <<

InfoTest: TestDepends: test-simple-pm%type_pkg[perl] (>= 0.94-2)

Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/T/TO/TOBYINK/HTML-HTML5-Parser-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 8c5bbde7d377cdbeb4c9b996126c7064

PatchScript: <<
        perl -pi -e 's/auto_install;//' Makefile.PL
        # Since we patched Makefile.PL, SIGNATURE is invalid.
        rm SIGNATURE

UpdatePOD: true
DocFiles: Changes README

InstallScript: <<
  /bin/mv %i/share/man %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]
  /bin/mv %i/bin/html2xhtml %i/bin/html2xhtml-pm%type_pkg[perl]
  /bin/mv %i/bin/html5debug %i/bin/html5debug-pm%type_pkg[perl]

PostInstScript: <<
        update-alternatives --install %p/bin/html2xhtml html2xhtml 
%p/bin/html2xhtml-pm%type_pkg[perl] %type_pkg[perl]
        update-alternatives --install %p/bin/html5debug html5debug 
%p/bin/html5debug-pm%type_pkg[perl] %type_pkg[perl]

PreRmScript: <<
        update-alternatives --remove html2xhtml 
        update-alternatives --remove html5debug 

--- NEW FILE: module-pluggable-fast-pm.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: module-pluggable-fast-pm%type_pkg[perl]
Version: 0.19
Revision: 1
Architecture: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) powerpc, (%type_pkg[perl] = 584) powerpc
Distribution: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 584) 10.4, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 
5100) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.6, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5123) 10.7, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 
588) 10.6
Description: Fast plugins with instantiation
Type: perl(5.8.1 5.8.4 5.8.6 5.8.8 5.10.0 5.12.3)
License: Artistic
Maintainer: Benjamin Reed <module-pluggable-fast...@fink.raccoonfink.com>

Depends: <<
        fink (>= 0.29.7-1),
BuildDepends: <<
        fink (>= 0.29.7-1),

Source: mirror:cpan:modules/by-module/Module/Module-Pluggable-Fast-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: e0eeb561a04bb4f28a4f06774bf315f2

UseMaxBuildJobs: true

UpdatePOD: true
InstallScript: <<
        mv %i/share/man %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]

Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Module-Pluggable-Fast
DescDetail: <<
Similar to Module::Pluggable but instantiates plugins as soon as
they're found, useful for code generators like Class::DBI::Loader.

--- NEW FILE: html-fromtext-pm.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: html-fromtext-pm%type_pkg[perl]
Version: 2.05
Revision: 15
Architecture: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) powerpc, (%type_pkg[perl] = 584) powerpc
Distribution: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 584) 10.4, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 
5100) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.6, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5123) 10.7, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 
588) 10.6
Depends: perl%type_pkg[perl]-core, scalar-list-utils-pm%type_pkg[perl], 
email-find-pm%type_pkg[perl], exporter-lite-pm%type_pkg[perl], (%type_pkg[perl] 
<< 584) scalar-list-utils-pm%type_pkg[perl] (>= 1.12-1)
BuildDepends: html-parser-pm%type_pkg[perl] (>= 3.46-1), fink (>= 0.24.12-1)
Conflicts: html-tree-pm (<= 1.002-3)
Replaces: html-tree-pm (<= 1.002-3)
Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/C/CW/CWEST/HTML-FromText-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: fb8ae4ab0cae0b57101f78b046b3927b
PatchFile: %{ni}.patch
PatchFile-MD5: 815f93b9497e393b7535c6d351702b33
PatchScript: <<
#!/bin/sh -ev

        export FULLPERL=`perl -e 'print $ARGV[0]=~/PERL="(.*?)"/' '%c'`
        perl -pi.bak -e "s,/usr/bin/perl,$FULLPERL," bin/text2html
        perl -pi.bak -e "s,\"perl ,\"$FULLPERL ," t/03_v2.02.t
Type: perl (5.8.1 5.8.6 5.8.8 5.10.0 5.12.3)
UpdatePOD: true
InstallScript: <<
  mkdir %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]/man
  mv %i/share/man/man3 %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]/man

  mv %i/bin/text2html{,-%type_pkg[perl]}
  mv %i/share/man/man1/text2html{,-%type_pkg[perl]}.1
PostInstScript: <<
  update-alternatives --install %p/bin/text2html text2html 
%p/bin/text2html-%type_pkg[perl] %type_pkg[perl] \
  --slave %p/share/man/man1/text2html.1 text2html.1 
PreRmScript: <<
  update-alternatives --remove text2html %p/bin/text2html-%type_pkg[perl]
Description: Text2html: marks up plain text as HTML
DescDetail: <<
  The text2html function marks up plain text as HTML.  By
  default it converts HTML metacharacters into the
  corresponding entities.  More sophisticated transformations,
  such as splitting the text into paragraphs or marking up
  bulleted lists, can be carried out by setting the
  appropriate options.
DescPort: <<
  Patch to use the correct perl-version
DescPackaging: <<
  Need Scalar::Util >= 1.12 which is part of scalar-list-utils-pmXXX
  there is an actual scalar-list-utils-pm581 >= 1.12-1
    perl581: 1.11_00
    perl584: 1.13
  but we don't have versioned Provides, so gotta fudge the deps to get
  what we need regardless of which perl-version we are.

  HTML::Parser started escaping quotes in v3.46, whicih affects some
  tests. So we require that version and patch the tests for the new
  behavior. See: http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=15571
License: Artistic
Maintainer: None <fink-de...@lists.sourceforge.net>
Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/HTML-FromText

--- NEW FILE: namespace-clean-pm.info ---
Info3: <<
Package: namespace-clean-pm%type_pkg[perl]
Version: 0.21
Revision: 1
Architecture: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) powerpc, (%type_pkg[perl] = 584) powerpc
Distribution: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 584) 10.4, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 
5100) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.6, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5123) 10.7, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 
588) 10.6
Description: Keep imports/functions out of namespace
Type: perl(5.8.1 5.8.4 5.8.6 5.8.8 5.10.0 5.12.3)
License: Artistic
Maintainer: Benjamin Reed <namespace-clean...@fink.raccoonfink.com>

Depends: <<
        b-hooks-endofscope-pm%type_pkg[perl] (>= 0.07-1),
        fink (>= 0.29.7-1),
        package-stash-pm%type_pkg[perl] (>= 0.23-1),
        sub-name-pm%type_pkg[perl] (>= 0.04-1),
        sub-identify-pm%type_pkg[perl] (>= 0.04-1)
BuildDepends: <<
        b-hooks-endofscope-pm%type_pkg[perl] (>= 0.07-1),
        fink (>= 0.29.7-1),
        sub-name-pm%type_pkg[perl] (>= 0.04-1),
        sub-identify-pm%type_pkg[perl] (>= 0.04-1)

Source: mirror:cpan:modules/by-module/namespace/namespace-clean-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: eabf88eec3f5952c4bb87461b69fd1d8

UseMaxBuildJobs: true

PatchScript: <<
        #!/bin/bash -ev
        darwinvers=`uname -r | cut -f 1 -d .`
        if [ $darwinvers = 10 ]; then
                perl -pi -e 's|\$\^X|"/usr/bin/arch", "-%m", \$^X|' 

UpdatePOD: true
InstallScript: <<
mv %i/share/man %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]
DocFiles: Changes

Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/namespace-clean
DescDetail: <<
When you define a function, or import one, into a Perl package, it
will naturally also be available as a method.  This does not per se
cause problems, but it can complicate subclassing and, for example,
plugin classes that are included via multiple inheritance by loading
them as base classes.

The namespace::clean pragma will remove all previously declared or
imported symbols at the end of the current package's compile cycle.
Functions called in the package itself will still be bound by their
name, but they won't show up as methods on your class or instances.

--- NEW FILE: perlio-gzip-pm.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: perlio-gzip-pm%type_pkg[perl]
Version: 0.18
Revision: 2
License: Artistic/GPL
Description: PerlIO layer to gzip
Maintainer: Daniel Johnson <dan...@daniel-johnson.org>
Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/PerlIO-gzip/

Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/N/NW/NWCLARK/PerlIO-gzip-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 933fdf283a0d2739f7630420569e3b24
PatchFile: %{ni}.patch
PatchFile-MD5: 7d7e457fa5edd9a44f2c0c7adf6bb679

Distribution: (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.5, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.6, (%type_pkg[perl] 
= 5123) 10.7, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.5, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.6
Type: perl (5.8.6 5.8.8 5.10.0 5.12.3)
UpdatePOD: true

DocFiles: Changes README

Depends: perl%type_pkg[perl]-core
BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.29.0)

InstallScript: <<
  /bin/mv %i/share/man %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]

--- NEW FILE: lingua-preferred-pm.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: lingua-preferred-pm%type_pkg[perl]
Version: 0.2.4
Revision: 22
Architecture: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) powerpc
Distribution: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.4, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 
5100) 10.6, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5123) 10.7, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.4, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.6
Depends: perl%type_pkg[perl]-core, log-tracemsgs-pm%type_pkg[perl]
Replaces: lingua-preferred-pm
Conflicts: lingua-preferred-pm 
Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/E/ED/EDAVIS/Lingua-Preferred-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 37e883fafb05b1439de1121f41e8ad75
Type: perl (5.8.1 5.8.6 5.8.8 5.10.0 5.12.3)
UpdatePOD: true
InstallScript: <<
  mv %i/share/man %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]
DocFiles: Changes MANIFEST README*
Description: Let you specify your lang in Perl
DescDetail: <<
  Many web browsers let you specify which languages you understand.
  Then they negotiate with the web server to get documents in the best
  language possible.  This is something similar in Perl.
License: Artistic
Maintainer: None <fink-de...@lists.sourceforge.net>
Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Lingua-Preferred

--- NEW FILE: log-dispatch-array-pm.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: log-dispatch-array-pm%type_pkg[perl]
Version: 1.001
Revision: 1
Distribution: (%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.6, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 
588) 10.6
Description: Log events to an array reference
License: Artistic
Maintainer: Steve Huff <sh...@vecna.org>
Type: perl (5.8.8 5.10.0)
Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/R/RJ/RJBS/Log-Dispatch-Array-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 70716845b88ba61c023df2b622b74fab
SourceDirectory: Log-Dispatch-Array-%v
UpdatePOD: true
DocFiles: README Changes
BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12)
BuildDependsOnly: false
Depends: log-dispatch-pm%type_pkg[perl]
InstallScript: <<
 mv %i/share/man %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]
DescDetail: <<
 This provides a Log::Dispatch log output system that appends logged events to
 an array reference. This is probably only useful for testing the logging of
 your code.
DescUsage: <<
 For detailed documentation, `perldoc Log::Dispatch::Array`.
Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Log-Dispatch-Array/

--- NEW FILE: html-scrubber-pm.patch ---
diff -Nurd -x'*~' HTML-Scrubber-0.09.orig/t/00-compile.t 
--- HTML-Scrubber-0.09.orig/t/00-compile.t      2011-04-01 11:35:55.000000000 
+++ HTML-Scrubber-0.09/t/00-compile.t   2011-08-31 02:56:10.000000000 -0400
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 use File::Find;
 use File::Temp qw{ tempdir };
+use Config;
 my @modules;
@@ -33,7 +34,21 @@
     # fake home for cpan-testers
     # no fake requested ## local $ENV{HOME} = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
-    like( qx{ $^X -Ilib -e "require $_; print '$_ ok'" }, qr/^\s*$_ ok/s, "$_ 
loaded ok" )
+    my @command;
+    if ($] >= 5.010 && $Config{"byteorder"} =~ /^1/) {
+        # little-endian means intel (not powerpc), for which fink has
+        # multiple single-arch distros that are seen by a single (fat)
+        # perl interp from apple for a perl version supported by fink
+        # (i.e., starting with 5.10.0). This is the logic taken from
+        # Fink::PkgVersion as of fink-0.29.13.
+        push @command, '/usr/bin/arch';
+        if ( $Config{"longsize"} == 4 ) {
+            push @command, '-i386';   # 32-bit
+        } else {
+            push @command, '-x86_64'; # 64-bit
+        }
+    }
+    like( qx{ @command $^X -Ilib -e "require $_; print '$_ ok'" }, qr/^\s*$_ 
ok/s, "$_ loaded ok" )
         for sort @modules;
     SKIP: {

--- NEW FILE: html-encoding-pm.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: html-encoding-pm%type_pkg[perl]
Version: 0.60
Revision: 1
Distribution: (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.5, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.6, (%type_pkg[perl] 
= 5123) 10.7, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.5, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.6
Type: perl (5.8.6 5.8.8 5.10.0 5.12.3)

Description: Determine the encoding of HTML/XML/XHTML
DescUsage: <<
  The interface and implementation are guranteed to change before this
  module reaches version 1.00! Please send feedback to the author of this
License: Artistic/GPL
Maintainer: Daniel Johnson <dan...@daniel-johnson.org>
Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/HTML-Encoding/

BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.29.0)
Depends: <<

InfoTest: TestDepends: test-pod-pm, test-pod-coverage-pm

Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/B/BJ/BJOERN/HTML-Encoding-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: b6a0ded3d1a085bc7b3cdb5ae07e89d2

UpdatePOD: true
DocFiles: Changes README

InstallScript: <<
  /bin/mv %i/share/man %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]

--- NEW FILE: html-fromtext-pm.patch ---
diff -Nurd HTML-FromText-2.05.orig/t/01_features.t 
--- HTML-FromText-2.05.orig/t/01_features.t     2003-10-13 19:24:24.000000000 
+++ HTML-FromText-2.05/t/01_features.t  2006-02-01 22:56:28.000000000 -0500
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@
 cmp_ok( $html, 'eq', <<__HTML__, 'indented tables with normal para' );
 <table class="hft-tables">
   <tr><td>http://www.pm.org</td><td>Perl Mongers</td></tr>
-  <tr><td>http://perl.com</td><td>O'Reilly Perl Center</td></tr>
+  <tr><td>http://perl.com</td><td>O&#39;Reilly Perl Center</td></tr>
   <tr><td>http://lists.perl.org</td><td>List of Mailing Lists</td></tr>
   <tr><td>http://use.perl.org</td><td>Perl News and Community 
diff -Nurd HTML-FromText-2.05.orig/t/02_v2.01.t HTML-FromText-2.05/t/02_v2.01.t
--- HTML-FromText-2.05.orig/t/02_v2.01.t        2003-09-25 20:54:46.000000000 
+++ HTML-FromText-2.05/t/02_v2.01.t     2006-02-01 22:56:49.000000000 -0500
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
           loops. </li>
    <ul class="hft-bullets">
    <li>       Many additional features such as output filtering, exception 
handling, macro definition, support for plugin objects, definition
-          of template metadata, embedded Perl code (only enabled by EVAL_PERL 
option), definition of template blocks, a 'switch'
+          of template metadata, embedded Perl code (only enabled by EVAL_PERL 
option), definition of template blocks, a &#39;switch&#39;
           statement, and more. </li>
    <li>       Full support for complex Perl data types such as hashes, lists, 
objects and sub-routine references. </li>

--- NEW FILE: html-treebuilder-xpath-pm.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: html-treebuilder-xpath-pm%type_pkg[perl]
Version: 0.13
Revision: 1
Type: perl (5.8.8 5.10.0)

Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/M/MI/MIROD/HTML-TreeBuilder-XPath-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 88780494c7322f6a8cf003ef5caa5083

Depends: <<

InstallScript: <<
        mv %i/share/man %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]
DocFiles: Changes README
UpdatePOD: true

Description: Add XPath support to HTML::TreeBuilder
License: Artistic/GPL
Maintainer: Daniel Macks <dma...@netspace.org>
Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/HTML-TreeBuilder-XPath/

--- NEW FILE: perlio-gzip-pm.patch ---
diff -Nurd -x'*~' PerlIO-gzip-0.18.orig/t/read.t PerlIO-gzip-0.18/t/read.t
--- PerlIO-gzip-0.18.orig/t/read.t      2006-10-01 17:08:10.000000000 -0400
+++ PerlIO-gzip-0.18/t/read.t   2010-08-09 14:40:12.000000000 -0400
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 my $perlgz = "perl.gz";
 my $done_perlgz;
-my $command = "gzip -c --fast $^X >$perlgz";
+my $command = "gzip -c --fast /usr/bin/perl >$perlgz";
 my $unread_bug = "Can't unread then push layer on :unix [core perlio bug]";
 my $unread_stdio_bug
  = "Can't unread the push layer on :stdio [core perlio bug]";
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
       # local $TODO = $unread_bug if $buffering eq ':unix';
       local $TODO = $win32_stdio_hairy
          if $buffering eq ':stdio' && $^O eq 'MSWin32';
-      ok (compare ($^X, \*GZ) == 0, "compare with original $^X");
+      ok (compare ("/usr/bin/perl", \*GZ) == 0, "compare with original 
     ok (eof (GZ), 'should be end of file');
   TODO: {

--- NEW FILE: mail-folder-pm.patch ---
diff -Naur MailFolder-0.07/Mail/Folder/Emaul.pm 
--- MailFolder-0.07/Mail/Folder/Emaul.pm        Sun Apr  5 13:22:16 1998
+++ MailFolder-new/Mail/Folder/Emaul.pm Tue Dec 30 23:23:09 2003
@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@
          or carp "link return: $!\n";
        my @statary = stat($lockfile);
        unlink $lockfile;
-       if (!defined(@statary) || $statary[3] != 2) { # failed to link?
+        if ((!@statary) || $statary[3] != 2) { # failed to link?
          goto RETRY;
diff -Naur MailFolder-0.07/Mail/Folder/Maildir.pm 
--- MailFolder-0.07/Mail/Folder/Maildir.pm      Sun Apr  5 13:22:18 1998
+++ MailFolder-new/Mail/Folder/Maildir.pm       Tue Dec 30 23:23:09 2003
@@ -546,7 +546,9 @@
   my $dir = new DirHandle "$folder_dir/cur"
     or croak "can't open $folder_dir/cur: $!";
-  my @files = sort map { "cur/$_" } grep((!/^\./ &&
+  my @files = map { "cur/$_->[0]" } sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] }
+                         map { /^(\d+)\./; [ $_, $1 ] }
+                                       grep((!/^\./ &&
                                          !/^RCS$/ &&
                                          -f "$folder_dir/cur/$_"),
@@ -554,7 +556,9 @@
   if (0) {
     $dir = new DirHandle "$folder_dir/new"
       or croak "can't open $folder_dir/new: $!";
-    push @files, sort map { "new/$_" } grep((!/^\./ &&
+    push @files, map { "cur/$_->[0]" } sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] }
+                                map { /^(\d+)\./; [ $_, $1 ] }
+                                       grep((!/^\./ &&
                                             !/^RCS$/ &&
                                             -f "$folder_dir/new/$_"),
diff -Naur MailFolder-0.07/Mail/Folder/Mbox.pm 
--- MailFolder-0.07/Mail/Folder/Mbox.pm Sun Apr  5 13:22:32 1998
+++ MailFolder-new/Mail/Folder/Mbox.pm  Tue Dec 30 23:23:09 2003
@@ -544,6 +544,10 @@
   my $tmpdir = $ENV{TMPDIR} ? $ENV{TMPDIR} : "/tmp";
+  if ( defined( $self->{MBOX_WorkingDir})) {
+        warn "Working dir is already set!\n";
+  }
   $self->{MBOX_WorkingDir} = undef;
   for my $i ($folder_id .. ($folder_id + 10)) {
@@ -555,6 +559,7 @@
   croak "can't seem to be able to create a working directory\n"
     unless (defined($self->{MBOX_WorkingDir}));
   $self->set_option('DotLock', 1)
     unless defined($self->get_option('DotLock'));
@@ -617,7 +622,7 @@
   # the appropriate methods should have removed them already...
   if ($self->{Creator} == $$) {
-    $self->_clean_working_dir;
+    $self->_clean_working_dir if ( -d $self->{MBOX_WorkingDir} );
@@ -733,7 +738,7 @@
   # unlink(glob("$self->{MBOX_WorkingDir}/*"));
   # maybe this should filter out directories, just to be safe...
   my $dir = DirHandle->new($self->{MBOX_WorkingDir})
-    or croak "yeep! can't read $self->{MBOX_WorkingDir} disappeared: $!\n";
+    or croak "yeep! can't read $self->{MBOX_WorkingDir}: $!\n";
   for my $file ($dir->read) {
     next if (($file eq '.') || ($file eq '..'));
     next if (-d "$self->{MBOX_WorkingDir}/$file");
@@ -779,7 +784,7 @@
            or carp "link return: $!\n";
          my @statary = stat($lockfile);
          unlink $lockfile;
-         if (!defined(@statary) || $statary[3] != 2) { # failed to link?
+          if ((!@statary) || $statary[3] != 2) { # failed to link?
            goto RETRY;
diff -Naur MailFolder-0.07/Mail/Folder.pm MailFolder-new/Mail/Folder.pm
--- MailFolder-0.07/Mail/Folder.pm      Sun Apr  5 13:22:22 1998
+++ MailFolder-new/Mail/Folder.pm       Tue Dec 30 23:24:18 2003
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@
 If C<parserobject> is specified it will be used instead of an
 internally created parser object.  The parser object is expected to a
 class instance and a subcless (however far removed) of
 Options are specified as hash items using key and value pairs.
@@ -441,8 +441,8 @@
   my %options = @_;
   $parser ||= new MIME::Parser or return undef;
-  croak "$parser isn't a subclass of MIME::ParserBase"
-    unless $parser->isa('MIME::ParserBase');
+  croak "$parser isn't a subclass of MIME::Parser"
+    unless $parser->isa('MIME::Parser');
   my $file = $self->get_message_file($msg) or return undef;
@@ -762,7 +762,7 @@
-sub message_list { return(keys %{$_[0]->{Messages}}); }
+sub message_list { return(sort keys %{$_[0]->{Messages}}); }
 =head2 qty
@@ -977,10 +977,13 @@
 sub sort {
   my $self = shift;
-  my $sort_func_ref = shift;
+  my $user_sort_func_ref = shift;
-  return sort {&$sort_func_ref($self->get_header($a),
-                              $self->get_header($b))} $self->message_list;
+  # this is truly disgusting. also, it works.
+  my $sort_func_ref = sub { &$user_sort_func_ref( $self->get_header( $a ),
                   $self->get_header( $b )) };
+  return sort $sort_func_ref $self->message_list;
 =head2 select($func_ref)

--- NEW FILE: interpolation-pm.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: interpolation-pm%type_pkg[perl]
Version: 0.74
Revision: 1
Architecture: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) powerpc, (%type_pkg[perl] = 584) powerpc
Distribution: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 584) 10.4, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 
5100) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.6, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5123) 10.7, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 
588) 10.6
Depends: perl%type_pkg[perl]-core, html-parser-pm%type_pkg[perl]
BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.20.1-1)
Replaces: interpolation-pm (<= 0.69-1), interpolation-pm581 (<< 0.70.1-11)
Conflicts: interpolation-pm (<= 0.69-1), interpolation-pm581 (<< 0.70.1-11)
Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/J/JE/JENDA/Interpolation-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: d7832d00805328234bd0307ce2cbbd87
Type: perl (5.8.1 5.8.4 5.8.6 5.8.8 5.10.0 5.12.3)
UpdatePOD: true
DocFiles: Changes README
Description: Arbitrary string interpolation semantic
DescDetail: <<
        Certain standard interpolations require HTML::Parser to be installed.
InstallScript: <<
  mv %i/share/man %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]
License: Artistic
Maintainer: Dave Vasilevsky <v...@users.sourceforge.net>
Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Interpolation

--- NEW FILE: html-form-pm.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: html-form-pm%type_pkg[perl]
Version: 6.00
Revision: 1
Distribution: (%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.6, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 5123) 10.7, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 
588) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.6
Description: Class that represents an HTML form element
License: Artistic/GPL
Maintainer: Daniel Johnson <dan...@daniel-johnson.org>
Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/HTML-Form

BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.29.0), extutils-makemaker-pm%type_pkg[perl] (>= 6.56-3)
Depends: <<
Replaces: libwww-pm%type_pkg[perl] (<< 6.00-1)

Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/G/GA/GAAS/HTML-Form-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 3ed73402b8f825c5c5060f05105610f4

Type: perl (5.8.8 5.10.0 5.12.3)

UpdatePOD: true
DocFiles: Changes README
InstallScript: <<
        /bin/mv %i/share/man %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]

--- NEW FILE: log-tracemsgs-pm.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: log-tracemsgs-pm%type_pkg[perl]
Version: 1.4
Revision: 12
Architecture: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) powerpc
Distribution: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) 10.4, (%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.4, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 586) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5100) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 
5100) 10.6, (%type_pkg[perl] = 5123) 10.7, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.4, 
(%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.5, (%type_pkg[perl] = 588) 10.6
Depends: perl%type_pkg[perl]-core, html-fromtext-pm%type_pkg[perl]
BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.17.0-1), html-fromtext-pm%type_pkg[perl], 
Replaces: log-tracemsgs-pm
Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/E/ED/EDAVIS/Log-TraceMessages-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 77687c9858a476628f0299cf4f29c727
Type: perl (5.8.1 5.8.6 5.8.8 5.10.0 5.12.3)
UpdatePOD: true
InstallScript: <<
  mv %i/share/man %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]
DocFiles: Changes MANIFEST README*
Description: Better way of putting trace messages in code
DescDetail: <<
  This module is a better way of putting 'hello there' trace messages in
  your code.  It lets you turn tracing on and off without commenting out
  trace statements, and provides other useful things like HTML-ified
  trace messages for CGI scripts and an easy way to trace out data
  structures using Data::Dumper.
License: Artistic
Maintainer: None <fink-de...@lists.sourceforge.net>
Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Log-TraceMessages

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