Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/stable/main/finkinfo/sci
In directory fdv4jf1.ch3.sourceforge.com:/tmp/cvs-serv11032

Modified Files:
Log Message:
update pymol-py from unstable

Index: pymol-py.info
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/stable/main/finkinfo/sci/pymol-py.info,v
retrieving revision 1.5
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -d -r1.5 -r1.6
--- pymol-py.info       26 Aug 2009 07:14:22 -0000      1.5
+++ pymol-py.info       5 Sep 2009 05:31:46 -0000       1.6
@@ -1,43 +1,60 @@
 Info2: <<
 Package: pymol-py%type_pkg[python]
-Version: 1.1r1
-Revision: 1000
-Distribution: (%type_pkg[python] = 23) 10.4, (%type_pkg[python] = 24) 10.4, 
(%type_pkg[python] = 24) 10.5, (%type_pkg[python] = 25) 10.4, 
(%type_pkg[python] = 25) 10.5
+Version: 1.2r0
+Revision: 1002
 Maintainer: Jack Howarth <howa...@nitro.med.uc.edu>
-Type: python (2.3 2.4 2.5)
-#Source: mirror:sourceforge:fink/pymol-%v-src.tgz
-Source: http://diablo.ucsc.edu/~wgscott/pymol/pymol-%v-src.tgz
-Source-MD5: a67e7b7d9481060b12d1f017b88f73c0
+Type: python (2.5 2.6)
+#Source: mirror:sourceforge:fink/pymol-%v-src.tar.bz2
+Source: http://diablo.ucsc.edu/~wgscott/pymol/pymol-%v-src.tar.bz2
+Source-MD5: 4bd134a748e122268c8531d297d479ff
+Source2: http://www.weizmann.ac.il/ISPC/eMovie.py
+Source2-MD5: 832252d4cee1ba88d50a35681b5ecd4b
+Source3: http://www.weizmann.ac.il/ISPC/eMovie_rigimol.inp
+Source3-MD5: 7f61fc224103aa24a92f1a03f985ce49
+Source4: http://diablo.ucsc.edu/~wgscott/pymol/pynmr_0.37f_src.tar.bz2
+Source4-MD5: cb4a3906766681ce9230ef5515e1aa1c
 PatchFile: pymol-py.patch
-PatchFile-MD5: d4971eade6c1155dee508139a4e33692
+PatchFile-MD5: 292ca189abe92c4d5bc2bac819aeb14e 
 SourceDirectory: pymol-%v
-# Source2: http://www.weizmann.ac.il/ISPC/eMovie.py
-# Source2-MD5: 0d2236e26f00d944223f6c17049c2b97
-Depends: python%type_pkg[python], libpng3-shlibs, numeric-py%type_pkg[python], 
tcltk, pmw-py%type_pkg[python] (>= 1.2-1), freeglut-shlibs, blt-shlibs
-BuildDepends: libpng3, freeglut, db43-ssl (>= 4.3.29-1001)|db43 (>= 
4.3.29-1001), readline (>= 4.3-1028), gdbm3, expat, tcltk-dev, blt, x11-dev, 
fink (>= 0.24.12)
-Conflicts: pymol, pymol-py22, pymol-py23, pymol-py24, pymol-py25
-Replaces: pymol, pymol-py22, pymol-py23, pymol-py24, pymol-py25
+Depends: python%type_pkg[python], libpng3-shlibs, numeric-py%type_pkg[python], 
tcltk, pmw-py%type_pkg[python] (>= 1.3.2-1000), freeglut-shlibs, blt-shlibs, 
+BuildDepends: libpng3, freeglut, db43-ssl (>= 4.3.29-1001)|db43 (>= 
4.3.29-1001), readline (>= 4.3-1028), gdbm3, expat, tcltk-dev, blt, x11-dev, 
swig, meschach, fink (>= 0.24.12)
+Conflicts: pymol, pymol-py22, pymol-py23, pymol-py24, pymol-py25, pymol-py26
+Replaces: pymol, pymol-py22, pymol-py23, pymol-py24, pymol-py25, pymol-py26
 PatchScript: sed 's|@FINKPREFIX@|%p|g' < %{PatchFile} | sed 
's|python2.X|python%type_raw[python]|g' | sed 
's|pymol-py2X|pymol-py%type_pkg[python]|g' | patch -p1
 CompileScript: <<
-(cd setup; cp Rules.osx-fink %b/Rules.delsci)
+#! /bin/sh -ex
+(cd setup; cp Rules.osx-fink %b/Rules.delsci) || exit 1
+case `uname -r` in
+10.*) perl -pi -e "s,-Wno-long-double,," ./Rules.delsci ;;
 make -f Makefile.delsci
+cd %b/../pynmr_0.37f_src/pmg_tk/startup/pynmr
 InstallScript: <<
+#! /bin/sh -ex
 mkdir -p %i/lib/%n/bin
-(cd setup; cp pymol.com.osx-fink %i/lib/%n/bin/pymol)
+(cd setup; cp pymol.com.osx-fink %i/lib/%n/bin/pymol) || exit 1
 cp -r data modules examples test scripts %i/lib/%n
 ln -s %p/share/doc/%n/LICENSE %i/lib/%n/LICENSE.txt
-mkdir -p %i/etc/profile.d
-echo "append_path PATH %p/lib/%n/bin" >  %i/etc/profile.d/%n.csh
-echo "append_path PATH %p/lib/%n/bin" >  %i/etc/profile.d/%n.sh
-chmod 755 %i/etc/profile.d/%n.*
-# cp ../eMovie.py     %p/lib/python%type_raw[python]/modules/pmg_tk/startup/.
+cp ../eMovie.py     
+cp ../eMovie_rigimol.inp %i/lib/pymol-py%type_pkg[python]/eMovie_rigimol.inp
+mkdir %i/lib/pymol-py%type_pkg[python]/modules/pmg_tk/startup/pynmr
+cd ../pynmr_0.37f_src/pmg_tk/startup
+cp plug_nmr.py %i/lib/pymol-py%type_pkg[python]/modules/pmg_tk/startup
+cd pynmr
+cp -r Crmsd.so *.py BIOPYTHON_LICENSE LICENSE README help images test_data 
 PostInstScript: <<
+update-alternatives --install %p/bin/pymol pymol 
%p/lib/pymol-py%type_pkg[python]/bin/pymol %type_pkg[python]
 %p/bin/python%type_raw[python] -O %p/lib/python%type_raw[python]/compileall.py 
-q %p/lib/%n/modules
 PreRmScript: <<
+if [ $1 != "upgrade" ]; then
+  update-alternatives --remove pymol %p/lib/pymol-py%type_pkg[python]/bin/pymol
 dpkg --listfiles $PACKAGE |
         /usr/bin/awk '$0~/\.py$/ {print $0"c\n" $0"o"}' |
@@ -56,11 +73,15 @@
 DescPackaging: <<
 The tarball used for this version was created in accordance to the BSD
 license of pymol using the following instructions...
-   svn export -r 3395 
https://pymol.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/pymol/trunk/pymol pymol-1.1r1
-   tar --exclude=.svn -zcvf pymol-1.1r1-src.tgz pymol-1.1r1
+   svn -r3820 co https://pymol.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/pymol/trunk/pymol 
+   tar --exclude=.svn -jcvf pymol-1.2r0-src.tar.bz2 pymol-1.2r0
 Added eMovie.py plug-in manually.  Commented out line that opens the window 
for eMovie by
 default every time pymol is started as this is annoying behavior. eMovie is 
activated via 
 the plugin menu.
+Added  -d "_ set stereo_double_pump_mono,quiet=1" to exec on pymol to limit 
+artifacts on drivers that do not properly support hardware stereo yet such as 
those for the
+HD 2600 XT.
+Added pynmr plugin.
 DescUsage: Just type 'pymol' at the command prompt inside an X environment.
 License: OSI-Approved

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