Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/unstable/main/finkinfo/devel
In directory sc8-pr-cvs5.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv9671/main/finkinfo/devel

Modified Files:
      Tag: pangocairo-branch
        epydoc-py.info findbugs.info mico.info 
Added Files:
      Tag: pangocairo-branch
        m681x-binutils.info m681x-gcc.info m681x-gdb.info 
Log Message:
another merge from HEAD

--- NEW FILE: m681x-gdb.info ---
Package: m681x-gdb
Version: 6.4
Revision: 2
Maintainer: Carl van Denzen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Recommends: m681x-binutils,m681x-gcc,m681x-newlib
HomePage: http://m68hc11.serveftp.org/
Source: mirror:gnu:/gdb/gdb-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 7dc98022ee96bba5331f195dc8a5491a
Source2: http://m68hc11.serveftp.org/m68hc1x-builder-3.1.tar.gz
Source2-MD5: 6c3ee04975e34414acf69dab2d2b1556
DescPort: <<
Avoided using /sw/m6811. Its lib & include folders have been moved to 
/sw/share/m6811 and the binaries are put into /sw/bin.
All files that are not recognizable as m6811 files renamed to m6811-xxx to 
avoid clashes with other potential toolchains.
--with-as=%p/bin/m6811-elf-as added, I do not know why it is needed when not 
building into /usr/local, but it solves a  problem.
Somehow nls does not work: configure sees the /sw/include/libintl.h, but during 
link phase, the /sw/lib/libintl.a is not found. My simple solution was to 
disable nls.
Only 6811 is supported, 6812 is not supported
TODO: Native Language Support.
PatchScript: <<
patch -p1 < ../m68hc1x-builder-3.1/gdb-6.4-m68hc1x-20060122.diffs
sed <gdb/config/m68hc11/m68hc11.mt >patch.tmp -e 's/\(SIM.*\) -lm/\1/'
mv -f patch.tmp gdb/config/m68hc11/m68hc11.mt
CompileScript: <<
#!/bin/bash -ev
# Extract TARGET and PROGRAM_PREFIX from the fink package name
# m6811-xxxx -> m6811-elf cq m6811-elf- cq m6811 (machine)
for x in 1 ; do
# 681$x
mkdir ${BUILDDIR}
${SOURCEDIR}/configure --target=$TARGET --prefix=%i/share/$MACHINE 
--bindir=%i/bin --mandir=%i/share/man --infodir=%i/share/info 
--enable-languages=c --program-prefix=$PROGRAM_PREFIX 
--with-local-prefix=%i/include/local --with-as=%p/bin/m6811-elf-as 
--with-ld=%p/bin/m6811-elf-ld --disable-nls
InstallScript: <<
#!/bin/bash -ev
# Extract TARGET and PROGRAM_PREFIX from the fink package name
# m6811-xxxx -> m6811-elf cq m6811-elf- cq m6811 (machine)
for x in 1 ; do
# 681$x
make install
/usr/bin/find -E %i -regex ".*/libiberty.a" -exec rm -f {} \;
# Remove duplicate info entries (between binutils and this one)
for i in $(/usr/bin/find -E %d -regex 
".*/(bfd|configure|standards).*\.info(-[0-9]+)?" -print);do echo rm $i ;rm $i 
# Rename the files xxx.info into m6811-elf-xxx.info cq m6812-elf-xx.info to 
avoid name clashes with other binutils packages and these two packages (m6811 
and m6812)
# The files of the m6811 should not be renamed, hence the inverted grep.
for i in $(/usr/bin/find -E %d -regex ".*/.*\.info(-[0-9]+)?" -print|grep 
--invert-match /${MACHINE%%%%?});do echo $i ${i%%/*} ${i##*/} ;mv $i 
InfoDocs: m6811-elf-annotate.info m6811-elf-gdb.info m6811-elf-gdbint.info 
m6811-elf-stabs.info m6811-elf-standards.info
Description: For Motorola 68hc11/12 micro controllers
License: GPL
#Homepage: http://gcc.gnu.org/
BuildDepends: m681x-binutils (>=2.16-1)


--- NEW FILE: m681x-gcc.info ---
Package: m681x-gcc
Version: 3.3.6
Revision: 3
Maintainer: Carl van Denzen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Recommends: m6811-binutils,m6811-gdb,m6811-newlib
Replaces: m6811-gcc,m6812-gcc
Conflicts: m6811-gcc,m6812-gcc
HomePage: http://m68hc11.serveftp.org/
Source: mirror:gnu:/gcc/gcc-%v/gcc-%v.tar.bz2
Source-MD5: 6936616a967da5a0b46f1e7424a06414
Source2: http://m68hc11.serveftp.org/m68hc1x-builder-3.1.tar.gz
Source2-MD5: 6c3ee04975e34414acf69dab2d2b1556
DescPort: <<
Avoided using /sw/m6811. Its lib & include folders have been moved to 
/sw/share/m6811 and the binaries are put into /sw/bin.
All files that are not recognizable as m6811 files renamed to m6811-xxx to 
avoid clashes with other potential toolchains.
--with-as=%p/bin/m6811-elf-as added, I do not know why it is needed when not 
building into /usr/local, but it solves a  problem.
Somehow nls does not work: configure sees the /sw/include/libintl.h, but during 
link phase, the /sw/lib/libintl.a is not found. My simple solution was to 
disable nls.
TODO: Native Language Support.
TODO: Find a solution for shared gcc files gccbug and gcov ?
PatchScript: <<
patch -p1 < ../m68hc1x-builder-3.1/gcc-3.3.6-m68hc1x-20060122.diffs
CompileScript: <<
#!/bin/bash -ev
# Extract TARGET and PROGRAM_PREFIX from the fink package name
# m6811-xxxx -> m6811-elf cq m6811-elf- cq m6811 (machine)
for x in 1 2 ; do
# 681$x
# gcc does not compile in the source directory. Compile directory will be the 
current directory with a suffix.
mkdir ${BUILDDIR}
${SOURCEDIR}/configure --target=$TARGET --prefix=%i/share/$MACHINE 
--bindir=%i/bin --mandir=%i/share/man --infodir=%i/share/info 
--enable-languages=c --program-prefix=$PROGRAM_PREFIX 
--with-local-prefix=%i/include/local --with-as=%p/bin/m6811-elf-as 
--with-ld=%p/bin/m6811-elf-ld --disable-nls
InstallScript: <<
#!/bin/bash -ev
# Extract TARGET and PROGRAM_PREFIX from the fink package name
# m6811-xxxx -> m6811-elf cq m6811-elf- cq m6811 (machine)
for x in 1 2 ; do
# 681$x
make install
/usr/bin/find -E %i -regex ".*/libiberty.a" -exec rm -f {} \;
# Rename the files xxx.info into m6811-elf-xxx.info cq m6812-elf-xx.info to 
avoid name clashes with other binutils packages and these two packages (m6811 
and m6812)
# The files of the m6811 should not be renamed, hence the inverted grep.
for i in $(/usr/bin/find -E %d -regex 
".*/.*\.info(-[0-9]+)?|.*/man[0-9]+/[^/]+" -print|grep --invert-match 
/${MACHINE%%%%?});do echo $i ${i%%/*} ${i##*/} ;mv $i 
InfoDocs: m6811-elf-cpp.info m6811-elf-cppinternals.info m6811-elf-gcc.info 
m6812-elf-cpp.info m6812-elf-cppinternals.info m6812-elf-gcc.info
Description: For Motorola 68hc11/12 micro controllers
License: GPL
#Homepage: http://gcc.gnu.org/
BuildDepends: m681x-binutils (>=2.16-1)


--- NEW FILE: m681x-binutils.info ---
Package: m681x-binutils
Version: 2.16.1
Revision: 3
Description: For Motorola 6811/12 microcontrollers
Maintainer: Carl van Denzen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
BuildDepends: libgettext3-dev, gettext-tools (>=0.14.5-1)
Replaces: m6811-binutils, m6812-binutils
Conflicts: m6811-binutils, m6812-binutils
#HomePage: http://m68hc11.serveftp.org/m68hc11_src.php
HomePage: http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/binutils/
License: GPL
Source: mirror:gnu:binutils/binutils-%v.tar.bz2
Source-MD5: 6a9d529efb285071dad10e1f3d2b2967
DescPort: <<
Avoided using /sw/m6811. Its lib & include folders have been moved to 
/sw/share/m6811 and the binaries are put into /sw/bin.
All xxx.info and man files renamed to m6811-xxx.info and m6811-...1 to avoid 
clashes with other potential toolchains.
CompileScript: <<
#!/bin/bash -ev
# Extract TARGET and PROGRAM_PREFIX from the fink package name
# m6811-xxxx -> m6811-elf cq m6811-elf- cq m6811 (machine)
for x in 1 2 ; do
# 681$x
../configure --target=$TARGET --prefix=%p/share/$MACHINE --bindir=%p/bin 
--mandir=%p/share/man --infodir=%p/share/info --program-prefix=$PROGRAM_PREFIX
InstallScript: <<
#!/bin/bash -ev
# Extract TARGET and PROGRAM_PREFIX from the fink package name
# m6811-xxxx -> m6811-elf cq m6811-elf- cq m6811 (machine)
for x in 1 2 ; do
# 681$x
make install DESTDIR=%d
# Rename the files xxx.info into m6811-elf-xxx.info cq m6812-elf-xx.info to 
avoid name clashes with other binutils packages and these two packages (m6811 
and m6812)
# The files of the m6811 should not be renamed, hence the inverted grep.
for i in $(/usr/bin/find -E %d -regex ".*/.*\.info(-[0-9]+)?" -print|grep 
--invert-match /${MACHINE%%%%?});do echo $i ${i%%/*} ${i##*/} ;mv $i 
InfoDocs: m6811-elf-as.info m6811-elf-bfd.info m6811-elf-binutils.info 
m6811-elf-configure.info m6811-elf-ld.info m6811-elf-standards.info 
m6812-elf-as.info m6812-elf-bfd.info m6812-elf-binutils.info 
m6812-elf-configure.info m6812-elf-ld.info m6812-elf-standards.info


Index: mico.info
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/unstable/main/finkinfo/devel/mico.info,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision
diff -u -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1
--- mico.info   20 Nov 2006 22:44:09 -0000      1.1
+++ mico.info   9 Jan 2007 18:04:28 -0000
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Package: mico
 Version: 2.3.12
-Revision: 10
+Revision: 11
 Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r)
 BuildDepends: readline5, system-openssl-dev, x11-dev, libncurses5
 Source: http://www.mico.org/%n-%v.tar.gz
@@ -46,6 +46,10 @@
 echo "INSTDIR        = %i" >> MakeVars
 echo "SHARED_INSTDIR = %i" >> MakeVars
 make install
+# rename imr to mico-imr and fix calls to it in examples
+mv %i/bin/imr %i/bin/mico-imr
+mv %i/share/man/man1/imr.1 %i/share/man/man1/mico-imr.1
+grep -rl imr %i/share/doc/mico/examples | xargs -n 1 perl -pi.bak -e 
 # remove version from static libs
 mv %i/lib/libmico.0.%v.a %i/lib/libmico.a
 mv %i/lib/libmicox.0.%v.a %i/lib/libmicox.a
@@ -68,8 +72,6 @@
 (cd %i/lib; ln -s libmicoir.0.%v.dylib libmicoir%v.dylib)
 (cd %i/lib; ln -s libmicoaux.0.%v.dylib libmicoaux%v.dylib)
 (cd %i/lib; ln -s libmicocoss.0.%v.dylib libmicocoss%v.dylib)
-# move mico-setup.[sh|csh] to bin
-mv %i/lib/mico-setup.* %i/bin
 RuntimeVars: <<
@@ -157,6 +159,7 @@
 - ranlib on installed archives
 - moved %i/doc into %i/share/doc
 - moved %i/man into %i/share/man
+- renamed imr to mico-imr to avoid conflict with jacorb
 DescUsage: <<
@@ -166,6 +169,8 @@
 and -lmicocoss instead or -lmico$MICOVERSION and -lmicocoss$MICOVERSION
 although those libraries are provided as symlinks in -dev package.
+The implementation repository tool imr has been renamed to mico-imr.
 A detailed tutorial is provided at %p/share/doc/mico/manual.ps
@@ -174,5 +179,3 @@
 Maintainer: Matthias Ringwald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

--- NEW FILE: m681x-newlib.info ---
Package: m681x-newlib
Version: 1.12.0
Revision: 3
Maintainer: Carl van Denzen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Recommends: m681x-binutils,m681x-gcc,m681x-gdb
HomePage: http://m68hc11.serveftp.org/
#Source: mirror:gnu:/gcc/newlib-%v/newlib-%v.tar.gz
Source: ftp://sources.redhat.com/pub/newlib/newlib-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: c3f1fbb52a4864cf8356c124584bae72
Source2: http://m68hc11.serveftp.org/m68hc1x-builder-3.1.tar.gz
Source2-MD5: 6c3ee04975e34414acf69dab2d2b1556
DescPort: <<
All files that are not recognizable as m6811 files renamed to m6811-xxx to 
avoid clashes with other potential toolchains.
--with-as=%p/bin/m6811-elf-as added, I do not know why it is needed when not 
building into /usr/local, but it solves a  problem.
TODO: Find a solution for shared gcc files gccbug and gcov ?
PatchScript: <<
#!/bin/bash -ev
patch -p1 < ../m68hc1x-builder-3.1/newlib-1.12.0-m68hc1x-20040801.diffs
# Use getreent() function
sed <newlib/libc/include/sys/config.h >patch.tmp -e '5a\
#define __DYNAMIC_REENT__
cp patch.tmp newlib/libc/include/sys/config.h
CompileScript: <<
#!/bin/bash -ev
# Extract TARGET and PROGRAM_PREFIX from the fink package name
# m6811-xxxx -> m6811-elf cq m6811-elf- cq m6811 (machine)
for x in 1 2 ; do
# 681$x
# gcc does not compile in the source directory. Compile directory will be the 
current directory with a suffix.
mkdir ${BUILDDIR}
${SOURCEDIR}/configure --target=$TARGET --prefix=%i/share/$MACHINE 
--bindir=%i/bin --mandir=%i/share/man --infodir=%i/share/info 
--enable-languages=c --program-prefix=$PROGRAM_PREFIX 
--with-local-prefix=%i/include/local --with-as=%p/bin/m6811-elf-as 
--with-ld=%p/bin/m6811-elf-ld --disable-nls
InstallScript: <<
#!/bin/bash -ev
# Extract TARGET and PROGRAM_PREFIX from the fink package name
# m6811-xxxx -> m6811-elf cq m6811-elf- cq m6811 (machine)
for x in 1 2 ; do
# 681$x
make install
#/usr/bin/find -E %i -regex ".*/libiberty.a" -exec rm -f {} \;
rm -f  %i/share/m68hc1x/lib/libiberty.a
rm -f  %i/share/info/standards.info
rm -f  %i/share/info/configure.info*
# Rename the files xxx.info into m6811-elf-xxx.info cq m6812-elf-xx.info to 
avoid name clashes with other binutils packages and these two packages (m6811 
and m6812)
# The files of the m6811 should not be renamed, hence the inverted grep.
for i in $(/usr/bin/find -E %d -regex ".*/.*\.info(-[0-9]+)?" -print|grep 
--invert-match /${MACHINE%%%%?});do echo $i ${i%%/*} ${i##*/} ;mv $i 
Description: For Motorola 68hc11/12 micro controllers
License: GPL
#Homepage: http://gcc.gnu.org/
BuildDepends: m681x-gcc


Index: epydoc-py.info
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/unstable/main/finkinfo/devel/epydoc-py.info,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision
diff -u -d -r1.3 -r1.3.2.1
--- epydoc-py.info      21 Nov 2006 05:47:24 -0000      1.3
+++ epydoc-py.info      9 Jan 2007 18:04:24 -0000
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 Package: epydoc-py%type_pkg[python]
 Version: 3.0alpha3
-Revision: 1
+Revision: 2
 Description: Python documentation system
 DescDetail: <<
 Epydoc is a tool for generating API documentation for Python modules,
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 Source: mirror:sourceforge:epydoc/epydoc-%v.tar.gz
 Source-MD5: 97a5b2d1a67150e1120fd422c3884d04
-Type: python (2.4)
+Type: python (2.4 2.5)
 Depends: python%type_pkg[python]
 CompileScript: <<
  #!/bin/bash -ev
@@ -28,11 +28,28 @@
 InstallScript: <<
  %p/bin/python%type_raw[python] setup.py install --root %d
+ mv %i/bin/epydoc %i/bin/epydoc-py%type_pkg[python]
+ mv %i/bin/epydocgui %i/bin/epydocgui-py%type_pkg[python]
 DocFiles: README.txt LICENSE.txt
 License: OSI-Approved
 Homepage: http://epydoc.sourceforge.net/
 Maintainer: Kurt Schwehr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+SplitOff: <<
+  Description: Python documentation system - Main binary
+  Package: %N-bin
+  Depends: %N (= %v-%r)
+  Conflicts: epydoc-py25-bin, epydoc-py24-bin
+  Replaces: epydoc-py25, epydoc-py24-bin
+  InstallScript: <<
+    mkdir %i/bin
+    ln -s epydoc-py%type_pkg[python] %i/bin/epydoc
+    ln -s epydocgui-py%type_pkg[python] %i/bin/epydocgui
+  <<
+  DocFiles: README.txt LICENSE.txt
 # Info2

Index: findbugs.info
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/unstable/main/finkinfo/devel/findbugs.info,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision
diff -u -d -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
--- findbugs.info       22 Jun 2006 07:53:14 -0000      1.4
+++ findbugs.info       9 Jan 2007 18:04:24 -0000
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 Package: findbugs
-Version: 1.0.0
+Version: 1.1.3
 Revision: 1
 Description: Bug pattern detector for java
 License: OSI-Approved
 Maintainer: Rohan Lloyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Depends: system-java14 | system-java15
 Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%n-%v.tar.gz
-Source-MD5: 8996cd377b5c3351912ea3d577b3c560
+Source-MD5: d350e063b39b18b15a616788ef895a9a
 PatchScript:   /usr/bin/true
 CompileScript: /usr/bin/true
 InstallScript: <<
@@ -36,74 +36,38 @@
 instances of "bug patterns" --- code instances that are likely to be
-Changes since verson 0.9.7:
+Changes since version 1.1.2:
-    * fix ObjectTypeFactory bug that was supressing some bugs
-    * opcode stack may determine definite zeros on some paths
-    * opcode stack can track some constant string concatenations (dbrosius)
-    * default effort performs iterative opcode analysis (but min effort does
-      not)
-    * default heap size upped to 384m
-    * schema for XML output available: bugcollection.xsd
-    * fixed some internal confusion between dotted and slashed class names
-    * New detectors
-          o CheckImmutableAnnotation.java: checks JCIP annotations
-    * Updated detectors
-          o BadRegEx.java: understands Pattern.LITERAL, warns about "."
-          o FindUnreleasedLock.java: fewer false positives
-          o DumbMethods.java: check for vacuous comparisons to MAX_INTEGER or
-            MIN_INTEGER, fix bugs detecting DM_NEXTINT_VIA_NEXTDOUBLE
-          o FindPuzzlers.java: detect n%2==1, detect toString() on array types
-          o FindInconsistentSync2.java: detects IS_FIELD_NOT_GUARDED
-          o MethodReturnCheck.java: add check for discarded newly constructed
-            values, increase priority of some ignored constructed exceptions,
-            better handling of bytecode compiled by Eclipse
-          o FindEmptySynchronizedBlock.java: better handling of bytecode
-            compiled by Eclipse
-          o DoInsideDoPriviledged.java: warn if call to setAccessible isn't
-            in doPriviledged, don't report private methods
-          o LoadOfKnownNullValue.java: fix bug that was reporting false
-            positives on finally blocks
-          o CheckReturnAnnotationDatabase.java: better checks for unstarted
-            threads
-          o ConfusionBetweenInheritedAndOuterMethod.java: fewer false
-            positives, fixed a package-handling bug
-          o BadResultSetAccess.java: separate bug pattern for
-            PreparedStatements, BRZA category folded into SQL category
-          o FindDeadLocalStores.java, FindBadCast2.java, DumbMethods.java,
-            RuntimeExceptionCapture.java: coalesce similar bugs within a
-            method into a single bug instance with multiple source lines
-    * Eclipse plugin
-          o plugin ID changed from de.tobject.findbugs to
-            edu.umd.cs.findbugs.plugin.eclipse
-          o support for findbugs eclipse auto-update site
-    * Updated test case files
-          o BadRegEx.java
-          o JSR166.java
-          o ConcurrentModificationBug.java
-          o DeadStore.java
-          o InstanceOf.java
-          o LoadKnownNull.java
-          o NeedsToCheckReturnValue.java
-          o BadResultSetAccessTest.java
-          o DeadStore.java
-          o TestNonNull2.java
-          o TestImmutable.java
-          o TestGuardedBy.java
-          o BadRandomInt.java
-          o six test cases added to new TigerTraps directory
-    * fix bug that was generating duplicate uids
-    * fix bug with -onlyAnalyze some.package.* on jdk1.4
-    * fix regression bug in DismantleByteCode.getRefConstantOperand()
-    * fix some minor bugs with the Swing GUI
-    * reordered some bugInstances so that source line annotations come last
-    * removed references to unused java system properties
-    * French translation updates (David Cotton)
-    * Japanese translation updates (Hanai Shisei)
-    * content cleanup for findbugs.xml and messages.xml
-    * references to cvs hostname updated to findbugs.cvs.sourceforge.net
-    * documented xdoc output options, new mineBugHistory/computeBugHistory
-      options
+  * Fixed broken Ant task
+  * Added running ant task to smoketest
+  * Added validating xml and html output to smoketest
+  * Fixed some (but not all) issues with html output validation
+  * Added check for x.equals(x) and x.compareTo(x)
+Changes since version 1.1.1:
+  * Added check for infinite iterative loops
+  * Added check for use of incompatible types in a collection (e.g.,
+    checking to see if a Set<String> contains a StringBuffer).
+  * Added check for invocations of equals or hashCode on a URL, which,
+    surprising many people, requires DNS resolution.
+  * Added check for classes that define compareTo but not equals; such
+    classes can exhibit some anomalous behavior (e.g., they are
+    treated differently by PriorityQueues in Java 5 and Java 6).
+  * Added a check for useless self operations (e.g., x < x or x ^ x).
+  * Fixed a datarace that could cause the GUI to fail on startup
+  * Partial internationalization of the new GUI
+  * Fix bug in "Redo analysis" option of new GUI
+  * Tuning to reduce false positives
+  * Fixed a bug in null pointer analysis that was generating false
+    positive null pointer warnings on exception paths. Fixing this bug
+    eliminates about 1/4 of the warnings on null pointer exceptions on
+    exception paths.
+  * Fixed a bug in the processing of phi nodes for fields in the null
+    pointer analysis
+  * Applied contributed patch that provides more quick fixes in Eclipse plugin.
+  * Fixed progress bar in Eclipse plugin
+  * A number of other bug fixes.
 DescPackaging: <<
 Findbugs itself is release under the LGPL, however the shell scripts that

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