Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4-transitional/stable/main/finkinfo/gnome
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv28129

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Tiger uint/guint fix is needed in stable too

Index: gpdf.info
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -d -r1.2 -r1.3
--- gpdf.info   9 Feb 2006 22:12:06 -0000       1.2
+++ gpdf.info   7 Mar 2006 20:59:06 -0000       1.3
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
 Package: gpdf
 Version: 0.132
-Revision: 8
+Revision: 9
 GCC: 3.3
 Depends: atk1-shlibs (>= 1.6.0-1), audiofile-shlibs (>= 0.2.5-1), esound (>= 
0.2.34-1), gconf2 (>= 2.6.0-1), gettext, ghostscript (>= 8.00-1) | 
system-ghostscript8, glib2 (>= 2.4.0-1), gnome-vfs2 (>= 2.6.0-1) | 
gnome-vfs2-ssl (>= 2.6.0-1), gtk+2 (>= 2.4.0-1), libart2-shlibs (>= 2.3.16-1), 
libbonobo2 (>= 2.6.0-1), libbonoboui2 (>= 2.6.0-1), libglade2-shlibs (>= 
2.3.6-1), libgnome2 (>= 2.6.0-1), libgnomecanvas2 (>= 2.6.0-1), 
libgnomeprint2.2 (>= 2.6.0-1), libgnomeprintui2.2 (>= 2.6.0-1), libgnomeui2 (>= 
2.6.0-1), libiconv, libxml2-shlibs (>= 2.6.7-1), orbit2 (>= 2.10.0-1), 
pango1-xft2 (>= 1.4.0-1), popt-shlibs, scrollkeeper (>= 0.3.12-2)
 BuildDepends: audiofile, glib2-dev (>= 2.4.0-1), atk1 (>= 1.6.0-1), 
pango1-xft2-dev (>= 1.4.0-1), gtk+2-dev (>= 2.4.0-1), libgnomecanvas2-dev (>= 
2.6.0-1), libjpeg, orbit2-dev (>= 2.10.0-1), gconf2-dev (>= 2.6.0-1), 
gnome-vfs2-dev (>= 2.6.0-1) | gnome-vfs2-ssl-dev (>= 2.6.0-1), libxml2 (>= 
2.6.7-1), libbonobo2-dev (>= 2.6.0-1), libglade2 (>= 2.3.6-1), libgnome2-dev 
(>= 2.6.0-1), libbonoboui2-dev (>= 2.6.0-1), libgnomeui2-dev (>= 2.6.0-1), 
libgnomeprint2.2-dev (>= 2.6.0-1), libgnomeprintui2.2-dev (>= 2.6.0-1), 
pkgconfig, intltool, popt, gettext-dev, gettext-bin, gettext-tools, 
libiconv-dev, libart2 (>= 2.3.16-1), esound (>= 0.2.34-1), gnome-keyring-dev
 Source: mirror:gnome:sources/%n/%v/%n-%v.tar.bz2
 Source-MD5: 1b8ba3384210b89a3628281e6aa5edaa
-PatchScript: perl -pi.bak -e "s/-scrollkeeper-update/#-scrollkeeper-update/g" 
help/omf.make help/*/Makefile.in
+PatchScript: <<
+  perl -pi.bak -e "s/-scrollkeeper-update/#-scrollkeeper-update/g" 
help/omf.make help/*/Makefile.in
+  perl -pi.bak -e 's|\(uint\)|\(guint\)|g' xpdf/gpdf-thumbnails-view.cc
 SetCPPFLAGS: -no-cpp-precomp
 SetCFLAGS: -O3 -funroll-loops -fstrict-aliasing
 ConfigureParams: --libexecdir=%p/lib/%n --mandir=%p/share/man

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