Florian Fahr wrote:
>>> Validating package file /sw/fink/dists/unstable/main/finkinfo/text/ 
>>> texinfo.info...
>>> Warning: Description contains package name. (texinfo.info)
>>> Failed: Please correct the above problems and try again!

This is a case where maintainer mode is too zealous, and it would be 
useful to have a "level" of maintainer mode, with a lower level meaning 
"don't treat trivial warnings as errors".

Example: I have a package "lie", where this maintainer mode anality 
pushed me to replace the one good and official package description 
"Computer algebra package for Lie group computations" by a rather less 
meaningful "Specialized computer algebra package".

>>> Is there any way to fix that?
>> Yes; don't use maintainer mode. :) Maintainer mode is for  
>> maintainers, not users. These warnings are minor packaging errors  
>> that won't affect building, but feel free to email the maintainer of  
>> texinfo about it.
> But I would like to use Maintainer Mode, because I try to create a  Fink 
> package for Mednafen (That's why I posted here ;)). Unfortunately  I 
> can't test the build properly, because Mednafen depends on  libsndfile1 
> which depends on Flac which somehow depends on texinfo.
> Is there any other way to ensure that the package gets built  correctly? 
> I could notify the maintainer, of course, but in the  meantime until 
> he/she fixes the package, there must be a less strict  method to check 
> if my package will build correctly.

You can take the list of packages to be built as dependencies and build 
them without maintainer mode, and then use -m for your new package. 
Also, if -m is too strict, use at least --build-as-nobody in order to 
catch the common dangerous bug of installing files outside of the build 


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