David R. Morrison wrote:
> On Jan 22, 2009, at 3:43 PM, James Bunton wrote:
>> On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 01:43:53PM -0500, Alexander Hansen wrote:
>> <snip>
>>> 3)  We could potentially try doing the dreaded third-party "system"
>>> scheme again, cf.
>>> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1795115&group_id=17203&atid=414256
>>> but that of course has its own problems.
>> If nobody has the time to package texlive then this is probably the best
>> thing to do.
> This was a nightmare for any number of reasons.  The biggest issue, as
> we've seen in a number of instances, is that when fink does not
> control the packaging, fink is unaware of when things change, and
> there is inevitably breakage.  Returning to the "system-tex" approach
> would put fink's tex support at the same level of stability of its
> current X11 support, which is to say, dreadful (due to factors not
> controlled by fink).
> As I understand it, the Debian project has successfully packaged
> TeXLive, which must mean that the licensing issues have been brought
> under control somehow.  If that is the case, the only thing stopping
> us from having a TeXLive package in Fink is the lack of a volunteer to
> package it.
>   -- Dave
IIRC they've had it for a couple of years or so, yeah.  And I've heard
(haven't checked the details for myself as of yet) that MacPorts has a
package for it.

Alexander Hansen
Fink User Liaison

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