On May 27, 2010, at 9:02 AM, Hanspeter Niederstrasser wrote:

> Besides gccXX (and local/libgmp seems to be the most common culprit 
> there), are there other packages that routinely suffer from /usr/local 
> interference?  A CompileScript check for /usr/local in those packages 
> could similarly be done.  If the same underlying mechanism as buildlock 
> removal and BuildConflicts is used, based on my experience with it, I'm 
> not sure it's robust enough, and in this case it will be affecting 
> things _outside_ of %p.

Fink's db* packages fail to build if a /usr/local/include/db.h is present. I 
was seeing so many failure reports that I put code in CompileScript to check 
for it and terminate the build with a message explaining what was wrong and how 
to fix it. Since then I've not seen any such failure reports.



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