On 31 Dec, 2010, at 8:03 AM, Daniel Macks wrote:

> I added the -py27 variant (was already present in unstable)
> dan
> On Sat, 25 Dec 2010 05:08:16 -0800, David Lowe  wrote:
> >pygtk2-gtk-py27 is in stable, but it depends upon numpy-py27 [which
> is not in stable].

        I did my usual selfupdate, update-all, and index -f just to be sure; 
i'm still not getting it:

"Can't resolve dependency "numpy-py27 (>= 1.3.0-7)" for package 
"pygtk2-gtk-py27-2.16.0-4" (no matching packages/versions found)

$fink info numpy-py27
Information about 5089 packages read in 1 seconds.
Failed: no package found for specification 'numpy-py27'!

        The machine in question is 10.4/PPC and stable, with fink 0.29.17.  
While i realize that changing to unstable is an option, i wonder if there are 
any other changes i can make to iron this out.

Sent from my MacBookPro

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