On Mon, 02 May 2011 12:04:31 -0400, Benjamin Reed  wrote:
> On 5/2/11 12:00 PM, Jack Howarth wrote:
> > Benjamin,
> > I think you misunderstood my request. I am not asking that... 
> >
> > UseMaxBuildJobs: true
> >
> > be default on. Rather I am asking that fink extends its current behavior
> > for new installations of defaulting to adding an entry for
> >
> > UseMaxBuildJobs=N

'fink configure', which runs during bootstrap, prompts for this option 
with a suggestion to use the number of cores on the machine, so a user 
doing a clean install would have a chance to set it. I just patched 
fink (HEAD and the next future 0.30.x release) to also do this when the 
"fink" package is updated. Turns out we have a generic flag for 
"fink.conf has a new feature" that triggers fink to run 'fink 
configure' during the update. 


Daniel Macks

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