On 9/1/2013 4:37 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
> I pushed updates for the Tor packages in fink in 10.5 and 10.6. I'm going to 
> add it to 10.7 also.  I emailed Jack Fink, the listed maintainer, back in May 
> but didn't get any response, so I thought it would be OK to go ahead and do 
> it.

I saw you asking on #fink asking about making a 'tor' user.  Adding a 
new passwd-* user should be easy, though this would be the first stand 
alone user that is not part of the passwd-core set of files.  I had 
previously tested making a new user (for quagga) and have a .info 
candidate, but never got around to committing it [1].  Feel free to take 
that and use it as a template for your tor user.  It should only need 
string replacements for what 'tor' needs.  Please test carefully since I 
haven't touched it in 8 months, but it /should/ work.  If it does, check 
again before committing in case something policy related comes up.



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