On Mon, July 6, 2015 4:31 pm, Daniel Johnson wrote:
>> On Jul 6, 2015, at 1:46 PM, Hanspeter Niederstrasser
>> <f...@snaggledworks.com> wrote:
>> If a library changes its install_name from /absolute/path/to/foo.X.dylib
>> to @rpath/foo.X.dylib (X is the same, c_v is bumped), does this need a
>> new
>> libN package name? The file is installed to the same location, so
>> packages
>> linking to the old absolute path dylib should still be able to find the
>> new library.
>> Hanspeter
> I would suggest testing to make sure it doesn’t break linkage with
> existing packages. I’m not sure if it will work if a package is not
> linked to the correct -rpath otherwise dyld won’t know what @rpath means
> in this case. Is it possible to change the install_name back to the
> absolute path?

I think previously built packages linking to the old verions will find the
new files since they will be at the same physical location. However,
packages linking to the new files using "-F/sw/lib/qt5-mac/lib -framework
QtCore" as told by qmake and/or pkg-config will probably link to the
library, but will fail at runtime because dyld won't know what @rpath is
supposed to resolve to.  And obviously, the .pc files don't provide the
-rpath flag to deal with that.

Qt's configure has a -no-rpath option, but in its infinte wisdom, that
just removes the @rpath token, leaving a library with a relative path
-install_name.  I need to file a bug upstream about this mess but haven't
had time to do so.



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