I had no answer on fink-user, so I try here Š hoping my question is


I would like to edit some remote (via AFS) files with xemacs; these files
are managed with cvs (kserver). But I've the following error :

cvs status: CVSROOT is set for a kerberos access method but your
cvs status: CVS executable doesn't support it.
cvs [status aborted]: Bad CVSROOT: `:kserver:atlas-sw.cern.ch:/atlascvs'.

My local cvs client is the fink version :

 i   cvs-proxy      1.11.5-1

As I'm running MacOS 10.3.3, I suppose I've Kerberos too. Right? Having a
look into cvs-proxy-1.11.5-1.info, I see:
SetLDFLAGS: -framework Kerberos

Does this mean that cvs is build with the Kerberos package? The configure
help says to use  --with-krb4 . Is that the same thing? In case I should
rebuild cvs with this previous option which directory have I to put there?
(the default is /usr/kerberos - I have none kerberos directory, but I've a

Any help would be appreciated.

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