Hi, this is not really good:

peter% fink-virtual-pkgs
Package: cctools
Status: install ok installed
Version: 519-1
compilescript: #!/bin/sh -e
cat <<EOMSG
Package %n is an autogenerated virtual package.
You cannot manipulate this type of package using the usual Fink tools.
Read the detailed description of this package to learn how to use it.
exit 1

homepage: http://fink.sourceforge.net/faq/usage-general.php#virtpackage
descdetail: This package represents the C/C++/ObjC developer tools
provided by Apple.  If it does not show as installed,
you can download it from Apple at:


(free registration required)

description: [virtual package representing the developer tools]
builddependsonly: true

Package: cctools-single-module
Status: install ok installed

causes apt to break ... all those newlines.

I can see why this information is useful to fink, but why are we trying to tell apt about it? If we do want to tell apt about it we need to use something similar to the get_description routine in PkgVersion.pm, but I don't really see why apt needs to know.

Peter O'Gorman - http://www.pogma.com

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