I've uploaded the old (with trailing spaces) lgpl.txt to Fink's file
system at SourceForge.net and locally changed one of the .info files
that use it to Source to mirror:sourceforge:fink/lgpl.txt. When I run
fink fetch I get
wget http://distfiles.master.finkmirrors.net/lgpl.txt
When I run f
There is another option, which is to host "our" lgpl.txt in fink's
sourceforge space. We've done that before when a checksum changed
unexpectedly -- its tricky to change the file on the fink mirrors
without changing the filename. The only change in info files would be
to redirect the Sour
Hello all,
I've just noticed there's a mismatch between finkmirrors.net's and
gnu.org's lgpl.txt. Our lgpl.txt in finkmirrors.net:
$ grep " $" lgpl.fink.txt
0. Additional Definitions.
And the one at gnu.org:
$ grep " $" lgpl.gnu.txt
leading to
$ diff lgpl.fink.txt lg