Dear experts!

I'm using 10.4-transitional/unstable and just did a selfupdate, which didn't have to compile anything. update-all then stopped with a linker error from openEXR:

/bin/sh ../libtool --mode=link g++-3.3 -pipe -g -O2 -Wno-long- double -L/sw/lib -o exrheader -L../Iex -L../Half -L../Imath -L../ IlmImf -lIlmImf -lImath -lHalf -lIex -lz main.o g++-3.3 -pipe -g -O2 -Wno-long-double -o exrheader main.o -Wl,- bind_at_load -L/sw/lib -L/sw/src/ OpenEXR-1.2.2/Iex -L/sw/src/ Half -L/sw/src/ -L/sw/ src/ /sw/lib/ libIlmImf.a /sw/lib/libImath.a /sw/lib/libHalf.a /sw/lib/libIex.a -lz
ld: Undefined symbols:
make: *** [exrheader] Error 1

It seems like the early mention of "-L/sw/lib" makes libtool use the old version of libIlmImf from the system directory instead of the newly compiled one. The hotfix would be to deinstall the package when compiling a new version, but that's ugly beyond words. As I'm relatively new to this business I don't know how to properly fix it, but I see at least two possible ways:

- The culprit is the definition of CXXLINK, including LDFLAGS, so we remove that and add it to the LDADDs
- We set LDFLAGS to the empty string and add /sw/lib to the LDADDs

Is there a better way? Which one is preferred? I might be able to produce a new openexr.patch once I receive a 'go'.


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UNIX was not designed to stop you from doing stupid things, because that
would also stop you from doing clever things.
        -Doug Gwyn
Version: 3.12
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