On Thu, 12 Apr 2012 10:37:23 -0400, Daniel Macks <dma...@netspace.org> wrote:
They each have:
> CompileScript: rsync -avr --exclude=dist ./ dist/
> which is a serious flaw. There is no guarantee that the builder will 
> have network access. At least as importantly, it means a user might 
> get a different ultimate package resuilt because the upstream 
> server's contents could change. The whole aim of fink is to give 
> reproducible results, which is why we even bother to have Version and 
> Revision fields and checksums of the source and patchfiles. These 
> packages need to fixed to encapsulate a specific snapshot of the 
> files that would be downloaded. 

Looking further, there is also a sudo command being run during 
InstallScript, which is not a valid thing to do...no guarantee the 
build-machine will be attended and blocks all sorts of scripted build 
processes. There are also chown commands...seems inconsistent that one 
would need to sudo if one already has the power to chown? But even 
better would be to do the chown in PostInst, so that the whole build 
process can run in the --build-as-nobody sandbox (a mechanism that 
prevents all sorts of runaway root-user commands). 


Daniel Macks

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