masanori and all

this has come up a week ago or so in context of building gtk+2 with xfree4.3. i did a fink update all as well (after i updated manually to xfree4.3) and of course gtk+2 failed in the configure phase. now i looked a little further:

from the file:

This version of pango will run both with XFree86 4.2 and 4.3, but only
build with XFree86 4.2, because XFree86 4.3 does not contain XFT1 headers.

well, yes but but neither in the configure, make or install phase but when building splitoffs. pango simply doesn't build libpangoxft with xfree4.3 so trying to move libpangoxft in the splitoff section causes fink to fail. what i did:

1.) removed the two lines in the info file that try to move libpangoxft to the shlibs package. this makes pango build fine. of course, an incomplete pango without the libpangoxft library.

2.) force-remove the existing installed gtk+2 packages. this is necessary as gtk+2 will pick the already installed libraries (which were built with xft) at linktime when doing a 'fink rebuild gtk+2'. this will lead to an undefined symbol error.

3.) rebuild gtk+2. builds gtk+2 without xft.

4.) rebuilt all the packages that were built against pango (until no files in /sw/bin and /sw/lib contain libpangoxft)

what do you think of this? proper solution or ugly hack? and how will updating be done in the official release?



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