Hash: RIPEMD160


So it's not really a matter of not being curteous to you, and more a matter of treating you like other core memebers/project leads :-)

Because you would wait for me to read up on mail worth four days? I thought having proper media handling, and please do not tie this to the fink package manager release, was something you and the others wanted?
I cannot do this properly though, if I do not have the time to read up on the mail traffic.

There are a lot of issues on which we will always disagree, but I can see, that you have a running system and I do not wish to change anything. I do not wish to be treated in a special way either, yet my request to wait two days, so I could read all mail, analyse the possibilities and maybe make more out of it than a simple announce to fink-devel is not asking too much in my eyes.

Furthermore I am asking, not demanding and therefore I am expecting nothing.
Of course this would be different if we said that we want a full PR coverage of the PM, too.
In an PR sense of speaking you already have full coverage of the package manager as well. It is part of the distribution and thus should be covered with it. I have not done that yet, because I did not understand much of it. I am learning and as soon as I know more, I would like to see not only improvements in the Distribution itself mentioned, but also the improvements made tot he package manager supplied with the distribution.

And in additiona, let me emphasize that it's fine by me to wait for you upon a full Fink release, where we want to make announcements everywhere possible, and which is a much larger undertaking, i.e. we plan it over several weeks not just one, so we can easily modify the release schedule to accomodate you/drm/me/etc.

I realise that and as I said above, it was never an issue of changing anything, I merely probed for a response and I got one. I am happy with that. All the other issues raised have their validity and I will not question them. I made my points, you all made yours and I respect that. Therefore, from my side, I am closing this thread down, for myself. I hope that is ok.
- -d

- - we may race and we may run, but we can not undo what has been done.
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