Title: Message
I installed Amaya via the newest Fink and can't get it to run. First I was missing a library which I was told is included in libwww (thanks for that hint). After I installed libwww I got another error, a different library is missing. Now I am missing "libdl.0.dyli". Does anyone know what package I need to install for that? I have been installing random libraries from Fink hoping to get it by accident but no luck yet. I'm hoping this is that last missing library, but if anyone has a definitive list of Fink packages needed to run Amaya I would be ever so happy.
I am running:
Fink  0.9.7-1
Amaya  5.3-2
the newest XDarwin (XFree86)
I am currently able to run gimp no problems, so I know my xwindowing part works well.
Thanks for any help on this one.
the not so very technical
Brian Brunsting
Graphic Designer

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