I have just made a fresh install of MacOS X 10.1.4 and the April 
Dev Tools. Then i installed the latest fink-binary. When i run 
'fink list' everything look OK but when I try to install it all 
goes down the drain. This is what I get:

[c213-100-32-76:~] bishop% fink install "xfree86-rootles"
sudo /sw/bin/fink install xfree86-rootles
Reading package info...
Information about 427 packages read in 2 seconds.
Failed: no package found for specification 'xfree86-rootles'!

Or when I try to install bash I get this:

[c213-100-32-76:~] bishop% fink install bash
sudo /sw/bin/fink install bash
Reading package info...
Information about 427 packages read in 3 seconds.
The following 3 additional packages will be installed:
  dlcompat readline readline-shlibs
Do you want to continue? [Y/n]
curl -f -L -s -S -O 
curl: (22) The requested file was not found
### curl failed, exit code 22
Downloading the file "dlcompat-20020413.tar.gz" failed.

(1)  Give up
(2)  Retry

How do you want to proceed? [2] 1
Failed: file download failed for dlcompat-20020413.tar.gz of 
package dlcompat-20020413-1

The file 'dlcompat-20020413.tar.gz'  can be downloaded with IE 
without any problem. I have absolutely NO idea of what this 
might be. Any suggestions? Am I missing something? I have used 
fink before but not much.

/Regards Bishop

Ogden's Law: The sooner you fall behind, the more time you have 
to catch up.


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