On Monday, September 16, 2002, at 07:03  PM, Andreas Gschwendtner wrote:

> Hi everybody,
> Sorry if I am a little bit OT, as my questions are not really 
> concerning fink but cron and anacron.
> 1) After installing anacron on 10.2 (it was automatically installed 
> with findutils and I also let it run the daily, weekly and monthly 
> scripts) my PowerBook never goes to sleep mode. Does anybody know how 
> to solve this?

Can't help you there.

> 2) Another question: in "/etc/crontab", the daily, weekly and monthly 
> routines are run by the command "periodic daily" (weekly, monthly 
> resp.). In "/sw/etc/anacrontab" the command "sh 
> /etc/daily[weekly/monthly]" is used for the same (?) purpose. Does 
> this make any difference? What is the reason why crontab uses the 
> "periodic" command while anacrontab just runs the script using "sh 
> /etc/daily"?

This was one of the changes made by Apple in 10.2.

 From http://developer.apple.com/technotes/tn2002/tn2053.html

     • Cron jobs now use the new BSD program "periodic" for scheduling. 
(r. 2842289).

So yes, I think this should be changed for 10.2. However it should 
still work without change, because Apple left the old files as symbolic 
links to the files run by periodic:

> rohanl@gromit> ls -l /etc/*ly
> lrwxr-xr-x    1 root     wheel          24 Sep 17 10:13 /etc/daily -> 
> periodic/daily/500.daily
> lrwxr-xr-x    1 root     wheel          28 Sep 17 10:13 /etc/monthly 
> -> periodic/monthly/500.monthly
> lrwxr-xr-x    1 root     wheel          26 Sep 17 10:13 /etc/weekly -> 
> periodic/weekly/500.weekly

I manually hacked my /sw/etc/anacrontab from:

> ##period   delay    job-identifier   command
> #   1        5       syscron.daily    sh /etc/daily     2>&1 | tee 
> /var/log/daily.out   | mail -s "`hostname` daily output"   root
> #   7       10       syscron.weekly   sh /etc/weekly    2>&1 | tee 
> /var/log/weekly.out  | mail -s "`hostname` weekly output"  root
> #  30       15       syscron.monthly  sh /etc/monthly   2>&1 | tee 
> /var/log/monthly.out | mail -s "`hostname` monthly output" root


> ##period   delay    job-identifier   command
>    1        5       syscron.daily    periodic daily
>    7       10       syscron.weekly   periodic weekly
>   30       15       syscron.monthly  periodic monthly

And it works fine.

Rohan Lloyd

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