I've have a problem with several command-line packages installed via Fink, most importantly Midnight Commander and Mutt. I assume the problem is with key-bindings or something akin, but must admit my own ignorance in further troubleshooting the problem. 

Essentially, with mc and mutt installed, none of the required keys work as expected. 

For example, attempting to use the arrow keys in mc produces ASCII letters at the command prompt at screen bottom, as: [up] A, [down] B, right [C], left [D]. Fortunately, Esc-0 accurately simulates F10 allowing me to exit gracefully.

Similarly, when starting mutt, neither arrow keys nor H,J,K,L allow navigation, and virtually all other mappings fail as well (i.e. pressing c, m, q, or ?, nothing happens). To exit mutt, I have to press Ctrl-C repeatedly (at least twice) to get the "Exit Mutt?" prompt, after which several Y's will generally drop me back to a bash prompt.

These problems occur in both Terminal.app and xterm via X11, and regardless of $TERM (i.e xterm, xterm-color, vt100, or screen).

I assume I'm probably just overlooking something obvious, but have not stumbled across it yet. Any assistance or direction would be greatly appreciated!




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