Trying to install from scratch.

On host:
Darwin myhost 13.4.0 Darwin Kernel Version 13.4.0: Sun Aug 17 19:50:11 PDT
2014; root:xnu-2422.115.4~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64

Configured with: --prefix=/Applications/
Apple LLVM version 6.0 (clang-600.0.51) (based on LLVM 3.5svn)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0
Thread model: posix

Installed packages:
 i     64bit-cpu    0-1    [virtual package representing the 64bit
capability of the CPU]
 i     base-files    1.9.15-1    Directory infrastructure
 i     bzip2    1.0.6-1    Block-sorting file compressor
 i     bzip2-dev    1.0.6-1    Developer files for bzip2 package
 i     bzip2-shlibs    1.0.6-1    Shared libraries for bzip2 package
 i     cctools    862-1    [virtual package representing the developer
 i     cctools-single-module    862-1    [virtual package, your dev tools
support -single_module]
 i     clang    6.0-600.0.51    [virtual package representing Apple's clang
 i     cups-dev    1.0702-1    [virtual package representing CUPS headers]
 i     darwin    13.4.0-1    [virtual package representing the kernel]
 i     debianutils    4.4-1    Misc utilities specific to Debian/Fink
 i     dev-tools    0-1    [virtual package representing developer commands]
 i     dpkg    1.10.21-1239    The Debian package manager
 i     dpkg-base-files    0.3-1    Support scripts for dpkg
 i     fink    0.37.1-82    Open-source software package manager
 i     fink-mirrors    Mirror infrastructure
 i     gettext-bin    GNU Internationalization utils
 i     gzip    1.6-1    File-compression program
 i     libgettext8-dev    Development files for
 i     libgettext8-shlibs    GNU Internationalization utils
(shared libs)
 i     libiconv    1.14-5    Character set conversion library
 i     libiconv-bin    1.14-5    Executables for libiconv package
 i     libiconv-dev    1.14-5    Developer files for libiconv package
 i     libncurses5    5.9-20110507-1    Full-screen ascii drawing library
 i     libncurses5-shlibs    5.9-20110507-1    Shared libraries for
libncurses5 package
 i     macosx    10.9.5-1    [virtual package representing the system]
 i     ncurses    5.9-20110507-1    Executable files for libncurses5
 i     sensible-utils    0.0.7-4    Utilities for sensible alternative
 i     system-java    1.7.0-1    [virtual package representing Java 1.7.0]
 i     system-java-dev    1.7.0-1    [virtual package representing Java SDK
 i     system-java16    1.6.0-1    [virtual package representing Java 1.6.0]
 i     system-java17    1.7.0-1    [virtual package representing Java 1.7.0]
 i     system-java17-dev    1.7.0-1    [virtual package representing Java
1.7.0 development headers]
 i     system-perl    5.16.2-1    [virtual package representing perl]
 i     system-pkgconfig-applewm    1.4.1-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing applewm]
 i     system-pkgconfig-applewmproto    1.4.2-1    [virtual pkgconfig
package representing applewmproto]
 i     system-pkgconfig-apr-1    1.4.5-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing apr-1]
 i     system-pkgconfig-apr-util-1    1.3.12-1    [virtual pkgconfig
package representing apr-util-1]
 i     system-pkgconfig-bigreqsproto    1.1.2-1    [virtual pkgconfig
package representing bigreqsproto]
 i     system-pkgconfig-cairo    1.12.14-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing cairo]
 i     system-pkgconfig-cairo-fc    1.12.14-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing cairo-fc]
 i     system-pkgconfig-cairo-ft    1.12.14-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing cairo-ft]
 i     system-pkgconfig-cairo-pdf    1.12.14-1    [virtual pkgconfig
package representing cairo-pdf]
 i     system-pkgconfig-cairo-png    1.12.14-1    [virtual pkgconfig
package representing cairo-png]
 i     system-pkgconfig-cairo-ps    1.12.14-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing cairo-ps]
 i     system-pkgconfig-cairo-script    1.12.14-1    [virtual pkgconfig
package representing cairo-script]
 i     system-pkgconfig-cairo-svg    1.12.14-1    [virtual pkgconfig
package representing cairo-svg]
 i     system-pkgconfig-cairo-tee    1.12.14-1    [virtual pkgconfig
package representing cairo-tee]
 i     system-pkgconfig-cairo-xcb    1.12.14-1    [virtual pkgconfig
package representing cairo-xcb]
 i     system-pkgconfig-cairo-xcb-shm    1.12.14-1    [virtual pkgconfig
package representing cairo-xcb-shm]
 i     system-pkgconfig-cairo-xlib    1.12.14-1    [virtual pkgconfig
package representing cairo-xlib]
 i     system-pkgconfig-cairo-xlib-xcb    1.12.14-1    [virtual pkgconfig
package representing cairo-xlib-xcb]
 i     system-pkgconfig-cairo-xlib-xrender    1.12.14-1    [virtual
pkgconfig package representing cairo-xlib-xrender]
 i     system-pkgconfig-cairo-xml    1.12.14-1    [virtual pkgconfig
package representing cairo-xml]
 i     system-pkgconfig-compositeproto    0.4.2-1    [virtual pkgconfig
package representing compositeproto]
 i     system-pkgconfig-damageproto    1.2.1-1    [virtual pkgconfig
package representing damageproto]
 i     system-pkgconfig-dmx    1.1.3-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing dmx]
 i     system-pkgconfig-dmxproto    2.3.1-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing dmxproto]
 i     system-pkgconfig-dri2proto    2.8-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing dri2proto]
 i     system-pkgconfig-dri3proto    1.0-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing dri3proto]
 i     system-pkgconfig-evieproto    1.1.1-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing evieproto]
 i     system-pkgconfig-fixesproto    5.0-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing fixesproto]
 i     system-pkgconfig-fontcacheproto    0.1.3-1    [virtual pkgconfig
package representing fontcacheproto]
 i     system-pkgconfig-fontconfig    2.11.1-1    [virtual pkgconfig
package representing fontconfig]
 i     system-pkgconfig-fontenc    1.1.2-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing fontenc]
 i     system-pkgconfig-fontsproto    2.1.2-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing fontsproto]
 i     system-pkgconfig-fontutil    1.3.0-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing fontutil]
 i     system-pkgconfig-freetype2    17.2.11-1    [virtual pkgconfig
package representing freetype2]
 i     system-pkgconfig-gl    8.0.4-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing gl]
 i     system-pkgconfig-glproto    1.4.16-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing glproto]
 i     system-pkgconfig-glu    8.0.4-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing glu]
 i     system-pkgconfig-ice    1.0.8-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing ice]
 i     system-pkgconfig-inputproto    2.3-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing inputproto]
 i     system-pkgconfig-kbproto    1.0.6-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing kbproto]
 i     system-pkgconfig-libcrypto    0.9.8za-1    [virtual pkgconfig
package representing libcrypto]
 i     system-pkgconfig-libedit    3.0-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing libedit]
 i     system-pkgconfig-libfs    1.0.6-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing libfs]
 i     system-pkgconfig-libiodbc    3.52.6-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing libiodbc]
 i     system-pkgconfig-libpcre    8.02-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing libpcre]
 i     system-pkgconfig-libpcreposix    8.02-1    [virtual pkgconfig
package representing libpcreposix]
 i     system-pkgconfig-libpng    1.5.18-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing libpng]
 i     system-pkgconfig-libpng15    1.5.18-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing libpng15]
 i     system-pkgconfig-libssl    0.9.8za-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing libssl]
 i     system-pkgconfig-openssl    0.9.8za-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing openssl]
 i     system-pkgconfig-osmesa    8.0.4-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing osmesa]
 i     system-pkgconfig-pixman-1    0.32.4-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing pixman-1]
 i     system-pkgconfig-presentproto    1.0-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing presentproto]
 i     system-pkgconfig-printproto    1.0.5-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing printproto]
 i     system-pkgconfig-pthread-stubs    0.1-1    [virtual pkgconfig
package representing pthread-stubs]
 i     system-pkgconfig-randrproto    1.4.0-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing randrproto]
 i     system-pkgconfig-recordproto    1.14.2-1    [virtual pkgconfig
package representing recordproto]
 i     system-pkgconfig-renderproto    0.11.1-1    [virtual pkgconfig
package representing renderproto]
 i     system-pkgconfig-resourceproto    1.2.0-1    [virtual pkgconfig
package representing resourceproto]
 i     system-pkgconfig-scrnsaverproto    1.2.2-1    [virtual pkgconfig
package representing scrnsaverproto]
 i     system-pkgconfig-sm    1.2.2-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing sm]
 i     system-pkgconfig-trapproto    3.4.3-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing trapproto]
 i     system-pkgconfig-vg    8.0.4-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing vg]
 i     system-pkgconfig-videoproto    2.3.2-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing videoproto]
 i     system-pkgconfig-x11    1.6.2-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing x11]
 i     system-pkgconfig-x11-xcb    1.6.2-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing x11-xcb]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xau    1.0.8-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xau]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xaw3d    1.6.2-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xaw3d]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xaw6    1.0.12-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xaw6]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xaw7    1.0.12-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xaw7]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xcb    1.10-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xcb]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xcb-atom    0.3.9-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xcb-atom]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xcb-aux    0.3.9-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xcb-aux]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xcb-composite    1.10-1    [virtual pkgconfig
package representing xcb-composite]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xcb-cursor    0.1.1-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xcb-cursor]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xcb-damage    1.10-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xcb-damage]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xcb-dpms    1.10-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xcb-dpms]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xcb-dri2    1.10-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xcb-dri2]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xcb-dri3    1.10-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xcb-dri3]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xcb-event    0.3.9-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xcb-event]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xcb-ewmh    0.4.1-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xcb-ewmh]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xcb-glx    1.10-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xcb-glx]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xcb-icccm    0.4.1-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xcb-icccm]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xcb-image    0.3.9-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xcb-image]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xcb-keysyms    0.3.9-1    [virtual pkgconfig
package representing xcb-keysyms]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xcb-present    1.10-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xcb-present]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xcb-proto    1.10-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xcb-proto]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xcb-randr    1.10-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xcb-randr]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xcb-record    1.10-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xcb-record]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xcb-render    1.10-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xcb-render]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xcb-renderutil    0.3.8-1    [virtual pkgconfig
package representing xcb-renderutil]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xcb-res    1.10-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xcb-res]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xcb-screensaver    1.10-1    [virtual pkgconfig
package representing xcb-screensaver]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xcb-shape    1.10-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xcb-shape]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xcb-shm    1.10-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xcb-shm]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xcb-sync    1.10-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xcb-sync]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xcb-util    0.3.9-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xcb-util]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xcb-xevie    1.10-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xcb-xevie]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xcb-xf86dri    1.10-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xcb-xf86dri]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xcb-xfixes    1.10-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xcb-xfixes]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xcb-xinerama    1.10-1    [virtual pkgconfig
package representing xcb-xinerama]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xcb-xkb    1.10-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xcb-xkb]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xcb-xprint    1.10-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xcb-xprint]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xcb-xtest    1.10-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xcb-xtest]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xcb-xv    1.10-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xcb-xv]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xcb-xvmc    1.10-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xcb-xvmc]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xcmiscproto    1.2.2-1    [virtual pkgconfig
package representing xcmiscproto]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xcomposite    0.4.3-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xcomposite]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xcursor    1.1.14-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xcursor]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xdamage    1.1.3-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xdamage]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xdmcp    1.1.1-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xdmcp]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xevie    1.0.3-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xevie]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xext    1.3.2-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xext]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xextproto    7.3.0-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xextproto]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xf86bigfontproto    1.2.0-1    [virtual pkgconfig
package representing xf86bigfontproto]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xf86dgaproto    2.1-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xf86dgaproto]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xf86driproto    2.1.1-1    [virtual pkgconfig
package representing xf86driproto]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xf86miscproto    0.9.3-1    [virtual pkgconfig
package representing xf86miscproto]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xf86rushproto    1.1.2-1    [virtual pkgconfig
package representing xf86rushproto]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xf86vidmodeproto    2.3.1-1    [virtual pkgconfig
package representing xf86vidmodeproto]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xfixes    5.0.1-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xfixes]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xfont    1.4.8-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xfont]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xfontcache    1.0.5-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xfontcache]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xft    2.3.1-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xft]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xi    1.7.2-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xi]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xinerama    1.1.3-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xinerama]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xineramaproto    1.2.1-1    [virtual pkgconfig
package representing xineramaproto]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xkbcomp    1.2.4-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xkbcomp]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xkbfile    1.0.8-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xkbfile]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xkbui    1.0.2-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xkbui]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xmu    1.1.2-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xmu]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xmuu    1.1.2-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xmuu]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xorg-server    1.14.6-1    [virtual pkgconfig
package representing xorg-server]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xp    1.0.2-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xp]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xpm    3.5.11-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xpm]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xproto    7.0.26-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xproto]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xpyb    1.3.1-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xpyb]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xrandr    1.4.2-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xrandr]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xrender    0.9.8-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xrender]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xres    1.0.7-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xres]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xscrnsaver    1.2.2-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xscrnsaver]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xshmfence    1.1-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xshmfence]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xt    1.1.4-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xt]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xtrap    1.0.0-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xtrap]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xtst    1.2.2-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xtst]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xv    1.0.10-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xv]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xvmc    1.0.8-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xvmc]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xxf86misc    1.0.3-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xxf86misc]
 i     system-pkgconfig-xxf86vm    1.1.3-1    [virtual pkgconfig package
representing xxf86vm]
 i     system-sdk-10.9    10.9-1    [virtual package representing the Mac
OS X 10.9 SDK]
 i     system-xfree86    2:7.2-2    [placeholder for user installed x11]
 i     system-xfree86-dev    2:7.2-2    [placeholder for user installed x11
development tools]
 i     system-xfree86-manual-install    2:7.2-2    Manually installed X11
 i     system-xfree86-shlibs    2:7.2-2    [placeholder for user installed
x11 shared libraries]
 i     tar    1.26-4    Archiving program for files and tape
 i     unzip    6.0-1    Decompression compatible with pkunzip
 i     xcode    [virtual package representing the
developer tools]
 i    6.0.1-1    [virtual package representing Xcode]

Error occurs in configure phase:

echo "x86_64\tx86_64" >>
sudo -u fink-bld [ENV] sh -c /tmp/fink.kp72s
./configure --prefix=/sw --host=x86_64-apple-darwin`uname -r|cut -f1 -d.`
creating cache ./config.cache
checking host system type... x86_64-apple-darwin13
checking target system type... x86_64-apple-darwin13
checking build system type... x86_64-apple-darwin13
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) works... yes
checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) is a cross-compiler... no
checking whether we are using GNU C... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for POSIXized ISC... no
checking for c++... c++
checking whether the C++ compiler (c++ -O2 -DEMULATE_MMAP -D__USE_MISC
-fconstant-cfstrings -DHAVE_SOCKLEN_T=1 ) works... yes
checking whether the C++ compiler (c++ -O2 -DEMULATE_MMAP -D__USE_MISC
-fconstant-cfstrings -DHAVE_SOCKLEN_T=1 ) is a cross-compiler... no
checking whether we are using GNU C++... yes
checking whether c++ accepts -g... yes
checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking for ar... ar
checking for library containing gethostbyname... none required
checking for library containing connect... none required
checking for db2/db.h... no
checking system architecture... configure: error: failed: use --host=
### execution of ./configure failed, exit code 1
### execution of /tmp/fink.kp72s failed, exit code 1
Removing runtime build-lock...
Removing build-lock package...
/sw/bin/dpkg-lockwait -r fink-buildlock-apt-0.5.4-1061
(Reading database ... 4465 files and directories currently installed.)
Removing fink-buildlock-apt-0.5.4-1061 ...
Failed: phase compiling: apt-0.5.4-1061 failed

Before reporting any errors, please run "fink selfupdate" and try again.

If you continue to have issues, please check to see if the FAQ on Fink's
website solves the problem.  If not, ask on one (not both, please) of
these mailing lists:

    The Fink Users List <>
    The Fink Beginners List <>.

Please try to include the complete error message in your report.  This
generally consists of a compiler line starting with e.g. "gcc" or "g++"
followed by the actual error output from the compiler.

Also include the following system information:
Package manager version: 0.37.1
Distribution version: selfupdate-rsync Sat Sep 27 09:02:31 2014, 10.9,
Trees: local/main stable/main 6.0.1
Xcode command-line tools:
Max. Fink build jobs:  1

Email: david.w.h.chin AT
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