I love the concept of Mozilla though I often have trouble with the

I just updated Mozilla, which went smoothly and looked over their bug
database. I noticed that at some point there was a patch that someone
had for the default plugin downloader bug. (Presumably not enough to
solve the problem because it is still in the database.) I also noted
there is an OS X Self-mounting disk image. Noticing these things made
me curious about two things.

Is there a way to have Mozilla configured to run both from the Dock in
Aqua and run from X when I'm running X? I can think of some ideas like
installing two separate version of Mozilla -- but even that could
create problems (one set of bookmarks). I realized that so far every
Fink app I've been using is either a command line interface app or an
X app. I suspect I'm just confused, but I'm sure someone can
straighten me out. Could I just download the smi and have two

How would I patch (and unpatch) source. Since I noticed the attempts
to fix a problem were standard patches and since I have fink
downloading and compiling source, I should have no trouble patching
the source. But I suspect that I will be clobbering stuff left and
right if I do that. ( Hmm, maybe best left for real developers?) 

Josh Kuperman

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