> To test this theory: Run "locate maxima_toc.html". My guess is that the
> output is empty, but that the file nevertheless exists at
> /sw/share/maxima/5.9.0/doc/html/maxima_toc.html.

Yes, you are right on both counts.

> So the remedy is simple: Run "sudo /usr/libexec/locate.updatedb", wait
> 10 minutes (could be faster) until it is finished, and all will be well.
> This actually poses a bigger problem: The locate database has a tendency
> to not be up to date, because in the best case it is updated once a day,
> and on laptops typically it is never updated at all unless
> locate.updatedb is started manually. Now since texmacs uses locate to
> find all kinds of files, pixmaps, TeX font maps, and apparently also
> documentation, it is inevitable that it will make mistakes.
> The only safe way to start texmacs would be to run locate.updatedb
> before *every* start of texmacs. This is, of course, unacceptable.

Thank you for the fix. (Yep, it worked, and please feel free to forward
this part of my message to the texmacs group if you think it they need to

Earlier today (well, yesterday) I was wondering why configure (as in
"./configure") doesn't alway use "locate" to find things it needs. (Which
might be handy, e.g. for people who use Fink but who want to install
non-Fink software, since it would avoid the need to pass in -I/sw/include
or whatever.)  Alternatively (but similarly) one might think autoconf
would work better to build the configuration files (again by using
locate).  But no, one has to find the files oneself using locate, then
pass the correct directories in using flags.  Which is certainly tedious.
Perhaps the non-up-to-dateness of the locate database is one rationale
for doing things this way, but it doesn't seem like a very good rationale,
since one could at least _try_ to do locate, then default to something
else, and leave the user no worse off than they would be with the current

One last thing about locate: I was beginning to feel like it was getting a
bit threadbare... now I know why.  I really should be running this
locate.updatedb thing about once a week.  Is anyone out there doing this
with anacron?  So far I haven't been able to get anacron working... is
there a step-by-step "tutorial" for this out there somewhere?  For one
reason or another, the man pages haven't been sufficient for me...


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