Erik, FYI <> has moved
to <> and is an
offshoot of version-2_1 rather than trunk. Cheers

On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 5:41 PM, Erik Sherwood <> wrote:
> Thanks very much for looking into this, and for taking the time to edit
> FiPy! I'm heading to a conference and won't be able to check out the new
> FiPy for several days, but I will try it out once I'm back and let you know
> what difference it makes on my system, and how it performs in the "adaptive"
> time-stepping loop that I implemented.
> Best,
> Erik
> On Oct 5, 2010, at 3:09 PM, Daniel Wheeler wrote:
>> Hi Erik, I've attached a script that seems to run faster. It took
>> 57.60s to do 200 steps as opposed to your original script, which took
>> 183.50. In order to get some of this speed up, I had to hack the FiPy
>> code a little. The hack is on a branch called erik
>>  <>
>>  <>
>> I'll review this and get it back into trunk ASAP.
>> A few other things:
>>  * turned off the viewers
>>  * reduced the solver tolerance (1e-7)
>>  * using implicit source terms that don't seem to cause any issues at
>> least up to 200 time steps.
>> I can run the script out to 300 steps without any evidence of stiffness.
>> Cheers
>> On Sat, Oct 2, 2010 at 2:44 PM, Erik Sherwood <> wrote:
>>> Thanks for taking a look at my code.
>>> For setting the desiredResidual, I just mimicked what I saw in
>>> examples.diffusion.mesh1D (p.81 of the manual), which has a similar form
>>> for
>>> the sweeps loop.
>>> Using ImplicitSourceTerms for Suu, Svv, Sww, the time to take 150 steps
>>> (dt=2.0) is cut from 141 secs to 99 secs, which is great. But if I go
>>> further, right around step 165 I get the warning
>>> StagnatedSolverWarning: The solver stagnated. Iterations:
>>> 1.
>>> Relative error: nan
>>>  residual = eqn.sweep(var=var, dt=dt)
>>> And from then on the simulation produces nothing of value. In this
>>> scenario,
>>> the FiPy makes 4-5 sweeps per step on Suu and Svv, and 1 sweep for Sww,
>>> up
>>> until the 130th step. From there the number of sweeps for Suu climbs,
>>> until
>>> it is about 70 or so per step, until the solver stagnates.
>>> If I try the same run parameters with Suu, Svv, Sww not as
>>> ImplicitSourceTerms, then I can go for up to about 220 steps before the
>>> simulation gets stuck (that is, it takes more than 300 sweeps without
>>> achieving the desiredResidual). In this case, FiPy makes 5-6 sweeps per
>>> step
>>> on Suu and Svv, and 2 sweeps for Sww, up to the 216th step. From there,
>>> the
>>> number of sweeps for Suu climbs again.
>>> I suppose one thing to do would be to keep track of how many sweeps are
>>> needed for each step, and once that gets to be too high, reduce dt. That
>>> should work whether I'm using ImplicitSourceTerms or not.
>>> Are there other things to try?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Erik
>>> On Sep 30, 2010, at 2:00 PM, Jonathan Guyer wrote:
>>>> I'm running a workshop right now, so won't have time to look at this for
>>>> a
>>>> day or two and it sounds like Daniel is on it.
>>>> One thing that occurs to me is that you should be able to use an
>>>> ImplicitSourceTerm for Suu and Svv, which might reduce the number of
>>>> sweeps.
>>>> How many sweeps are you doing?
>>>> How did you pick desiredResidual? Generally, you want to compare the
>>>> residual to the initial residual, rather than some arbitrary number.
>>>> On Sep 30, 2010, at 12:55 PM, Erik Sherwood wrote:
>>>>> Thanks for taking a look at the code. I'm using FiPy 2.1.
>>>>> Erik
>>>>> On Sep 30, 2010, at 11:21 AM, Daniel Wheeler wrote:
>>>>>> Eric, Thanks for your interest in FiPy. I'll benchmark your code, but
>>>>>> before I do that, can you tell me which version of FiPy you are using
>>>>>> (trunk or version-2_1?) so we are comparing apples with apples. Thanks
>>>>>> On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 5:03 PM, Erik Sherwood <> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>> I am quite new to FiPy, which I have been using to simulate a
>>>>>>> reaction-diffusion model of bacterial colony growth:
>>>>>>> # Simulation parameters
>>>>>>> d = 0.12
>>>>>>> a0 = 1.; a1 = 1./2400; a2 = 1./120;
>>>>>>> v0 = 0.071
>>>>>>> # Source terms
>>>>>>> Suu = uu*vv - uu/((1+uu/a1)*(1+vv/a2))
>>>>>>> Svv = -uu*vv
>>>>>>> Sww = uu/((1+uu/a1)*(1+vv/a2))
>>>>>>> # Equations
>>>>>>> eqXuu = TransientTerm() - ImplicitDiffusionTerm(coeff=d) - Suu
>>>>>>> eqXvv = TransientTerm() - ImplicitDiffusionTerm(coeff=1.) - Svv
>>>>>>> eqXww = TransientTerm() - Sww
>>>>>>> There are three PDEs, two of which have linear diffusion terms, and
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> equations are coupled via nonlinear reaction terms. I hope to be
>>>>>>> able to use
>>>>>>> Fipy on a fairly large mesh to explore the pattern formation
>>>>>>> possibilities
>>>>>>> of the system as certain parameters are varied, but the simulations
>>>>>>> run
>>>>>>> significantly slower than I'd expected, about 4-5 minutes per run
>>>>>>> (with
>>>>>>> --inline and the pysparse solver on a 2008 Mac Pro) on a 150x150
>>>>>>> square
>>>>>>> mesh; 600x600 is more like what I'd like to be able to use.
>>>>>>> Before using FiPy, I'd implemented the system in Matlab, just using
>>>>>>> finite
>>>>>>> differences with a 9 point stencil. I haven't gotten much, if any,
>>>>>>> speed up
>>>>>>> using FiPy, but I think I'm not using FiPy's full capabilities, or
>>>>>>> I've not
>>>>>>> implemented the model in FiPy as efficiently as I could have. The
>>>>>>> script I'm
>>>>>>> using is below. I suspect that the looping I'm doing for the sweeps
>>>>>>> of each
>>>>>>> variable in succession is not the right way to go about things.
>>>>>>> I've played
>>>>>>> around with sweeps and time step sizes, but haven't gotten much
>>>>>>> improvement.
>>>>>>> If the looping isn't the problem, should I try moving to trilinos?
>>>>>>> Or should
>>>>>>> I not expect particularly fast solution of this kind of system?
>>>>>>> Any suggestions for better performance would be welcome.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Erik
>>>>>>> from fipy import *
>>>>>>> from time import clock
>>>>>>> # Setting up the mesh
>>>>>>> nx = 150
>>>>>>> ny = nx
>>>>>>> dx = 1.0
>>>>>>> dy = dx
>>>>>>> L = dx*nx
>>>>>>> mesh = Grid2D(dx=dx, dy=dy, nx=nx, ny=ny)
>>>>>>> # Simulation parameters
>>>>>>> d = 0.12
>>>>>>> a0 = 1.; a1 = 1./2400; a2 = 1./120;
>>>>>>> v0 = 0.071
>>>>>>> # Simulation variables
>>>>>>> uu = CellVariable(name="active bacteria",
>>>>>>>              mesh=mesh,
>>>>>>>              value=0.0, hasOld=1)
>>>>>>> ww = CellVariable(name="inactive bacteria",
>>>>>>>              mesh=mesh,
>>>>>>>              value=0.0, hasOld=1)
>>>>>>> vv = CellVariable(name="nutrient concentration",
>>>>>>>              mesh=mesh,
>>>>>>>              value=v0, hasOld=1)
>>>>>>> # Source terms
>>>>>>> Suu = uu*vv - uu/((1+uu/a1)*(1+vv/a2))
>>>>>>> Svv = -uu*vv
>>>>>>> Sww = uu/((1+uu/a1)*(1+vv/a2))
>>>>>>> # Equations
>>>>>>> eqXuu = TransientTerm() - ImplicitDiffusionTerm(coeff=d) - Suu
>>>>>>> #ImplicitSourceTerm(Suu)
>>>>>>> eqXvv = TransientTerm() - ImplicitDiffusionTerm(coeff=1.) - Svv
>>>>>>> #ImplicitSourceTerm(Svv)
>>>>>>> eqXww = TransientTerm() - Sww #ImplicitSourceTerm(Sww)
>>>>>>> # Initial conditions
>>>>>>> x,y = mesh.getCellCenters()
>>>>>>> radius = 10*dx
>>>>>>> C = (nx*dx/2, ny*dy/2)
>>>>>>> C =(0,0)
>>>>>>> uu.setValue(UniformNoiseVariable(mesh=mesh, minimum=0.09,
>>>>>>> maximum=0.115))
>>>>>>> uu.setValue(0.0,where=(0.05*(x-C[0])**2 + (y-C[1])**2) > radius**2)
>>>>>>> eqns = ((uu, eqXuu), (vv, eqXvv), (ww, eqXww))
>>>>>>> if __name__ == '__main__':
>>>>>>>  # Do plotting if executing script from commandline
>>>>>>>  Uview = uu
>>>>>>>  Uview.setName('Active')
>>>>>>>  Uviewer = Viewer(vars=uu, datamin=0., datamax=0.1)
>>>>>>>  Vview = vv
>>>>>>>  Vview.setName('Nutrient')
>>>>>>>  Vviewer = Viewer(vars=Vview, datamin=0., datamax=0.1)
>>>>>>>  Wview = ww
>>>>>>>  Wview.setName('Inactive')
>>>>>>>  Wviewer = Viewer(vars=Wview, datamin=0., datamax=0.1)
>>>>>>> dt = 2.0
>>>>>>> steps = 1000
>>>>>>> desiredResidual = 1e-6
>>>>>>> # Loop through timesteps
>>>>>>> tic = clock()
>>>>>>> for step in range(steps):
>>>>>>>  print "Step %d"%(step)
>>>>>>>  # For each variable, equation pair, do sufficient sweeps to
>>>>>>>  # get residual to acceptable level. When all three variables
>>>>>>>  # have been taken care of, then we take the next time step
>>>>>>>  for var, eqn in eqns:
>>>>>>>    residual = 10
>>>>>>>    var.updateOld()
>>>>>>>    sweepcount = 0
>>>>>>>    while residual > desiredResidual and sweepcount < 300:
>>>>>>>        #print "Sweep %d"%(sweepcount+1)
>>>>>>>        residual = eqn.sweep(var=var, dt=dt)
>>>>>>>        sweepcount += 1
>>>>>>>    # Bail if residual remains too large
>>>>>>>    if residual > desiredResidual:
>>>>>>>        print "Unable to reduce residual!"
>>>>>>>        break
>>>>>>>  if residual > desiredResidual:
>>>>>>>    break
>>>>>>>  # Update the plots
>>>>>>>  if __name__ == '__main__':
>>>>>>>    Uviewer.plot()
>>>>>>>    Vviewer.plot()
>>>>>>>    Wviewer.plot()
>>>>>>> #
>>>>>>> toc = clock()
>>>>>>> print "Finished in %.3f secs."%(toc-tic)
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Daniel Wheeler
>> --
>> Daniel Wheeler
>> <>

Daniel Wheeler

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