On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 1:23 PM, Julien Derr <julien.d...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone!
> I didn't bother you for a long time! I am back!

Good to have you back.

> in the simpletrenchsystem.py example, I have a question about the boundary
> condition :
> metalEquation.solve(metalVar, dt = dt,
>                             boundaryConditions = metalEquationBCs)
> metalequation BCs defines the boundary condition on the top faces, but what
> is exactly the boundary conditions with the interface, and how to change it
> ?

Take a look at 
It might help.

If you want to change the way the boundary condition works, you can
extract the equation from
and build it in your script.

You can then explicitly include the source term for the boundary
condition (see 

The important part of this is the
"self.distanceVar.cellInterfaceAreas" field, which gives an
approximation for the area of the boundary interface in a given cell.

Hope this helps.

Daniel Wheeler

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