On Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 8:22 AM, Fadoua El Moustaid <fad...@aims.ac.za> wrote:

> eqB = TransientTerm(coeff=r.getFaceValue()**2) == DiffusionTerm(coeff=Db *
> r.getFaceValue()**2) - xi * r.getFaceValue()**2 * (B.getFaceGrad() *
> S.getFaceGrad() + B.getFaceValue() * r.getFaceValue() *
> (r.getFaceValue()**2 * S.getFaceGrad()).getDivergence())
> after running the code I get an error saying
> "The coefficient must be a rank-0 CellVariable or a scalar value"
> I am defining r as
> r = mesh.getCellCenters()[0]
> is this wrong or right?

The transient term coefficient should just be a cell value. So simply
use "r**2" for the transient term.

Daniel Wheeler

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