I made some more simplified diagrams. Fipy imposes the
following inheritance:

[image: UML_mesh_simple.jpg]
While vtk imposes the following, as per
https://vtk.org/doc/nightly/html/classvtkCell.html :

[image: UML_vtkobjects.jpg]
 In VTK, *vtkLine*, *vtkPolygon* and *vtkConvexPointSet* are
specializations of *vtkCell. *In Fipy *vtkLine*, *vtkPolygon*  are
specializations of *vtkConvexPointSet *

I wonder whether this may be the root of the problem outlined in

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From: A A <amine.aboufir...@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Feb 23, 2020 at 2:43 PM
Subject: More on VTK objects and mesh plotting with 3rd party packaages
To: <fipy@nist.gov>

Dear All,

This question is loosely related to
https://github.com/usnistgov/fipy/issues/312 but might perhaps not be
exactly the same. I ran some tests in which I tried to plot a "broken" mesh
by resetting the cell type of the underlying tvtk object the same way
fipy's VTKCellDataSet method does:

*from fipy import Grid2Dimport pyvista# Create Meshmesh = Grid2D(dx = 1.0,
dy = 1.0, nx = 2, ny = 2)ug = mesh.VTKCellDataSet#ug.set_cells([7,7,7,7],
ug.cell_locations_array.to_array(), ug.get_cells()) # overwrite tougrid=
pyvista.UnstructuredGrid(ug._vtk_obj)# Plot Meshplotter =

Uncommenting line 7 of the above code reveals that resetting the cell type
from 41 to 7 of the UniformGrid2D's underlying tvtk object allows the mesh
to appear in the plotter.

I recall from previous discussions that failure of cell type 41 to plot was
attributed to incorrect ordering of the cell vertices, but this would be in
contradiction with the results of the code above.

I then looked through fipy's source code and came up with the following
inheritance diagram:
[image: unnamed0.jpg]

The _VTKCellType method in AbstractMesh
returns tvtk.ConvexPointSet().cell_type while the  _VTKCellType method in
Mesh2D returns tvtk.Polygon().cell_type. I am quite sure that forcing
AbstractMesh to return  tvtk.Polygon().cell_type would cause the
UniformGrid2D object to appear in pyvista/mayavi, though I am not sure
whether this is a viable solution. Any thoughts?


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