I just posted a new paper: 

Here is the abstract:

The right to keep and bear arms is a vital element of our liberal order, but 
its philosophic basis is no longer appreciated by American elites. The left 
rejects the understanding of politics on which our nation was founded, and 
conservative intellectuals have been remarkably uncomfortable with the right to 
arms. George Will and Charles Krauthammer, for example, have advocated repeal 
of the Second Amendment, and conservative pundits have generally stayed silent 
in the face of such attacks on the Constitution.

People who do not understand why they should defend the right to arms are not 
likely to be its most effective defenders, and ignorance about the philosophy 
underlying our free institutions is among the least excusable failings of 
public intellectuals. Conservative pundits constantly complain about the 
erosion of individual liberty by bureaucratic government, about the enervating 
effects of the nanny state, and about the suffocating atmosphere of euphemisms 
and repressed resentment imposed by the political correctness police. If they 
had a better understanding of John Locke, William Blackstone, Cesare Beccaria, 
Alexis de Tocqueville, and every one of our founding fathers, these opinion 
leaders would not display an effete abhorrence of what Krauthammer calls 
"America's frontier infatuation with guns." Our nation's founding philosophy 
was not infected with some silly romanticism about guns or an outmoded frontier 
mentality. It was based on the reality of human nature and on reason, neither 
of which has changed since the eighteenth century.


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