Here are some numbers.  The numbers were comoued on my boat computer, which
is a very cheap notebook, so consider them relative, not absolute.

10mb encryption with a single key:

    RC4:           0.021 seconds
    ChaCha20: 0.007
    AES-128:    0.212

10mb encryption setting key every 1024 bytes:

    RC4:           0.201 seconds
    ChaCha20: 0.091
    AES-128:    2.400

ChaCha20 is a clear winner.  And it has a cool name.

I make no claims that the AES implementation is anywhere near optimal -- it
is one I found with an acceptable license and not deeply embedded in a huge
crypto library.  AES, unlike the stream ciphers, has opportunities for what
D. J. Bernstein (the crypto god who invented ChaCha20 and all sorts of
other good and valuable stuff) calls voodoo.

Jim Starkey
Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

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