Hi,I use FB embedded version for a little local 
db,Firebird- on W 8.1 x86 with Visual Basic 
2012FirebirdClient 4.7

I run this simple code and when I close it,application closes but IDE still 
show "WindowsApplication1 Running"  for up to 7 seconds,I think is waiting for 
some process to terminate

Imports FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClientPublic Class Form1    Private Sub 
Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles 
        Dim connectionString As String        connectionString = "User=SYSDBA;" 
+ _       "Password=mypass;" + _       "DataSource=localhost;" + _       
"Dialect=3;" + _       "Charset=NONE;" + _       "Role=;" + _       "Connection 
lifetime=15;" + _       "Pooling=true;" + _       "Port=3050;" + _       
"MinPoolSize=0;" + _       "MaxPoolSize=50;" + _       "Packet Size=8192;" + _  
     "ServerType=1;" + _       "Database=" + "mydb.FDB"
        Dim myConnection1 = New FbConnection(connectionString)        
myConnection1.Open()        myConnection1.Close()     
    End SubEnd Class
I've disabled antivirus,firewall,tested on another machine:the same thing
I tested with VB 2008 and  FirebirdClient - the same here
If I change   ServerType=1(embedded)  to ServerType=0 (SS) all works fine,IDE 
ends running mode instantly

How to fix that?  I need embedded version (for a local db access)

Also my application can be restarted for some maintenance,I used successfully 
that with SS for a long time but now with embedded application freezes after 
restart (I think is the same problem)

Thanks for any help.

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